Chapter 35 - Karma

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I walked down the stairs to the smell of fresh sriracha sauce in the air. It honestly burned my eyes a little, which definitely ment Boa and mom were cooking. As I came down to the main floor, steam came from the kitchen. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, happily awaiting her meal. While Boa and her snake were cooking. 


I jumped and turned around. Seeing Thomas on the steps behind me. Before I could speak, he leaped on me and climbed my shoulder. I could sense his emotions strongly. He missed me a lot.

"Sorry bud, I've made you take a lot of escort missions huh?" I said with a chuckle, and he just nuzzled my cheek. 

I walked down the steps with Thomas on my shoulders and sat next to mom.

"So, the doctors okayed you eating whatever you want already?"

"Not necessarily, they suggested soft foods. So I'm making spicy mash potatoes and gravy!" Boa cheered.

"Sounds gross." I replied. 

"You don't eat then!" Boa snapped.

She came over with mom's food and it was just a huge bowl of practically red mash potatoes. I could even see red pepper flakes and bacon bits scattering the top. 

"Shouldn't you be eating healthy fruits and veggies?" I asked.

Suddenly a head of lettuce dropped in front of me. I looked over and saw Boa with crossed arms. 

"Go ahead and eat rabbit food then!"

"I'm just gonna order some Dumplings." I mumbled. 

Thomas nuzzled my cheek and I happily scratched his back. 

"Aww, look at little Thomas. I've missed you buddy." Mom said. 

Thomas hopped off from me and moved into mom's lap. Right, Thomas used to be her familiar too huh?

"So, how was he?" Mom asked.


"Your father of course!"

"Ah right, he was alright I guess." I said and leaned back. 

"So Nyx, he meets the king of death and he just says. It was cool. Dracula was better." Boa called out and walked over to the table, taking a seat. 

"At least Dracula didn't owe us child support.." I muttered. 

Once Boa sat down, there was a sudden harmony in the air. For the first time in a long time, mom's soul and Boas soul felt steady and connected. Like a violin and a piano harmonizing. Plus having the two sitting so close, I can definitely see the difference Boas shed skin technique did. 

"What? Do I have a booger?" Boa asked, huh, guess I was staring at her. 

"Yeah, it's really big actually." 

"What!? Where!?"

"No wait, sorry. That's just your face." 

She grumbled. 

"Look here, scar prince of night! You want spicy tato in your hair!"

"Bring it, booger face."

Mom started to giggle."Oh this brings me back. But seriously Nyx, how was it?"

I sighed.

"He's…exactly like you said. I can tell he's doing his best, in spite of everything."

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