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the past few days, i've been hearing voices without bodies. they'd giggle behind my back. call my name. knock. stomp the floor loudly. tell me to remember something. ask me short questions. i always respond. but that's always the end of it. the longer i take to respond, the longer i can hear them. but they surprise me most of the time and i can't help but reply. at first, i thought it was my roommates. but not only did this happen when i was home alone, this happened when i asked them if they'd spoken only to get a negative answer.

and it doesn't end in the voices. i saw a brown rabbit hop around the living room today and it didn't disappear even when we made eye contact. he just hopped off into the kitchen and that was the last i'd seen of him. on the door to the hallway, i saw a giant caterpillar. it was thicker than my thigh and crawling from the middle of the door down to the floor. it looked soft and peaceful. it was almost calming watching it. i also saw a small white butterfly flying around the living room. it was fast and then it would move in normal speed for two seconds only to become super fast again and it switched between those velocities like that for a while. those are only the things i've seen today. they're harmless so i'm writing them down. i'd rather not look back at what i've seen in the past few days.

i think it might just be a long way to becoming entirely comfortable in a new place. but that theory doesn't seem too accurate knowing there "hallucinations" have just been progressively getting worse/have been occurring more often. i don't know. i hope to know more soon.

seen it all before // 10th spamWhere stories live. Discover now