i turned my 'kms' into an 'ugh'

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feeling comfortable in your own skin and body is important. no tradition should take that away from you. how come men who are comfortable in dresses get shamed for it, but women who don't want to wear dresses get forced to wear them? why aren't we celebrating the people who feel comfortable? they are trying to normalize happiness and self-love. instead of supporting them and raising your children with your children's happiness in mind, you're trying to make them play unnecessary roles in society and teaching them "conventional" dress codes which could be crossing the borders of your children's comfort. beauty depends on what the person feels most comfortable in, not what the viewers find attractive. if i feel uncomfortable in dresses, i shouldn't be forced to wear them. and your reasons are hilarious. "girls should wear dresses". "but it looks so good on you". "when did you see a woman in a suit on a special occasion?". dresses (and all clothes) should be worn by people who feel comfortable in them, regardless of their gender. i could even see it as a good look, but if it makes me uncomfortable - won't wear it; also, if i don't think it looks good on me, i shouldn't have to wear it. am i supposed to dress like everyone else? these reasons are excuses for a tradition you yourself cannot understand. i wish health (wether mental or physical) and the emotional state of the person would stand before satisfying other people's opinions. this comes from me who wanted to get a certain hairstyle to take care of my health only to be stopped by my mother who said my looks are more important than my health. this comes from me who has to wear dresses and heels when i don't feel comfortable in them. and this comes from me who gets rude comments about the outfits i feel comfortable and happy in.

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