you're a hero, you can fly... you can fly.

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metal songs are like lullabies to me. or simply songs that can calm me down. yes, they can make me jump, scream, headbang and have fun. but lying down and listening to metal songs... it's the greatest peace for my mind. one afternoon, i was lying on the staircase in front of my room and listening to the metal songs my sister was blasting inside. i felt like my mind was finally calm after weeks of storms. that got me thinking... why do these songs make me feel this way? i came to a perfectly logical (to me) explanation. metal songs have a bit of a "messy" aesthetic to them (at least most of them do). if you already have a mess of thoughts in your head or simply a mess in your mind, the mess that are metal songs will dismiss the mess in you. minus times minus equals plus. does that make any sense to y'all?

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