what the heart desires

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i had two dreams last night and even tho i don't remember them fully, i don't wan to forget them completely thus i'll write them down here.

my family and i went to the local spar on a sunday. apparently, on sundays, spar would turn into a gallery at the same time as it's a store and not many people visited it at all. we entered the store and at the very beginning where there are fruits, i saw park jimin. my eyes widened, but i continued walking with my family past the fruits part. i walked a bit faster to catch up with my sister and whispered over to her. she told me she'd seen him too and we started giggling. we came to the drinks part of the store and there was a closed up room instead of the drinks part there. we entered it and inside there were a few artworks, but the one that stood out was the big viking statue with no eyes. there was a chair behind it and you could look through the eye holes and take a picture. as the statue was cool, but the eye holes thing didn't make much sense, our dad decided to take a picture of my mama, my sister and me standing beside the statue. and we got photobombed by kim taehyung. he found the whole thing super funny while we found it amazing. in broken english, he explained bts were shooting something at the sunday gallery style of our local spar. as he was going away, we said "감사합니다" and even quickly taught our parents how to say it so they could say it too.

this dream was longer but i don't remember most of it. to begin with, i was with my family in the middle of the street in front of an imaginary shopping mall. with us, there was my classmate with whom i sit in class, sara and our aunt. some boys approached us and i only recognized one of them as marko b from elementary school. they had skateboards and seemed very good at doing tricks. they asked us to play a game with them. they'd release many exotic birds and the birds would only fly/run/jump in one direction which would be down a stone sidewalk (which looks like most seaside sidewalks in croatia). the goal would be to catch every bird. my parents decided not to play, but the rest of the bunch was already on the start line. for the whole long run, i had my eyes fixated on this tiny green bird with a yellow beak with a red feather atop its head. as we ran (and the boys rode their skateboards), they were constantly asking us questions about which one of those birds we found the pretties, the wildest, the most energetic... i'd always name the same bird. whenever we'd catch a bird, we'd have to let it go and it'd come back to where it originated from. in the end, my bird was one of the two remaining birds and just at the very last inch of the street, i caught it. the very last question was "which bird do you think is the most energetic?" and i caught it to say that's the one. comically, the bird started cartoon-style panting and quickly freed itself from my hold. my dream cut to a scene of me and my aunt sitting in a dark room. she had some sort of a burning metal toothpick in his hand. whenever the toothpick would touch my skin, it would open the skin up. she drew a star shape on my cheek, another on on my left hand and drew three circles around my lower left arm. my mama was quick enough to sew up the three circles with thick black thread. then, the scene cut back to the street in front of the mall and the boys told us they'd take us on a boat trip with some old scientist. we got on the both with them and traveled for a long time until we found out our final destination was a cave. we entered the cave and my classmate overheard the boys saying they'd throw us in the water for fun on the way back. my classmate and sara went over to them to ask them not to do it to me because of the fact my skin is literally opened (idk how to properly explain this). the boys were very considerate and promised not to throw anyone in the water. the scientist told us we had to test out something electricity related with a machine he had in his hand. aunt decided to work with the machine. it was enough just to hold it and wait. the machine said there were sixteen electricity centers in our hometown. our aunt snorted saying that's impossible and the boys frowned at her, each naming one of the centers as they knew about every single one. the scene ended with the scientist roasting my aunt (with words ofc). the next scene was inside the mall. i found out from dad that mama always wanted to be a police officer. thus, i made a mission for myself to find blue cookies. i don't know why, i just thought all police officers loved blue cookies. i went to every sweets store in the mall and apparently there were many. but everything was so expensive on the second floor, the cheapest i found was 700 kunas for a box of the cookies. on the first floor, there was a white and simple store and the price there was 680 kunas. on the main floor, there was a store with bajadera-themed walls (basically the most of the walls was the deep "yellow" and the ceiling and floor were dark choco brown) and dull, atmosphere lighting. there, everything was so expensive that i don't even want to name prices. anyway, i found my way back to the first floor and bought the cookies for 680 kunas. then, it was time for me to look for mama because she'd been walking around the mall on her own. i did find her in the end, but that was when i realized i had eaten all of the cookies. either way, i gave her the box and explained why i wanted her to have them and she was so happy she cried.

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