breaking the eighth wall

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now i know that some books are better unwritten. one of them is "triangular". it was going to be a frerard fic of mine and i wrote its prologue on 20170806 (which obviously means that there are grammatical mistakes bc my writing was poorer back then).

this was the description:
Gerard and Frank have been dating for almost three years now. They love each other and believe the bond they have is unbreakable.

Lindsey is very much in love and she'll do anything and everything to break the gay couple apart.

and this is the prologue:
Frank and Gerard were the couple everybody was aware of, but they weren't often talked about. Their peers allowed them to live their own lives, not bothering them ever. There were a few people expressing their disgust toward an openly gay relationship, but Gerard nor Frank had any trouble with those people. They were incredibly lucky, knowing other non-straight people had to go through a lot of nasty stuff for their sexuality. They were happy and they appreciated their happiness. Besides, they weren't the only not-straight couple in their school. Ryan and Brendon, for example, were much more popular.

Many girls still fell in love with Gerard and Frank, no matter the fact they knew they could never have a shot with either of the lovebirds. Everybody has the right to fantasize. They'd giggle when their crush of the two would walk past them, but it didn't even get any attention from the boys. They were always too busy adoring each other. They were somewhat aware of the looks they'd get from the horny girls, but it wouldn't matter because they had each other.

Gay and bi boys of their school were much braver though. They'd come up to either of the two and confess their "love". But it would only make Gerard and Frank laugh. They would kindly say their bond is unbreakable and get back to admiring each other, leaving the boy to disappointment. They never wished to hurt anyone's feelings, but it had to be done sometimes.

Lindsey on the other hand was a girl with a plan and a passion. She was gonna get her crush no matter what. But she knew she had to go slow and careful. She cannot mess up. She always gets what she wants and that will be what happens in this situation too. She wasn't going to be a coward nor a quick-thinker.

She was incredibly in love with Frank. With his hair, his eyes, his smile, his voice, his personality, his guitar playing, his words, his laugh, his everything. She knew she wasn't the only one, but she was going to be the only one to actually get all those things. Sometimes she'd feel bad for Gerard who was going to lose someone as perfect as Frank, but she always gets what she wants so Gerard will just have to live with heartbreak.

Lindsey was very lucky to be Frank's neighbor. Her room window had a straight view at Frank's room window. She'd lean against her windowsill and just stare at the pretty boy as he played soft tunes for Gerard who'd lay on the bed. Gerard was easy to ignore in her eyes; she'd imagine Frank playing for her. Sadly, she could rarely hear Frank's singing, because Frank's window was often closed. She used to give Frank the privacy he deserves, but in time she just couldn't keep herself from not looking at Frank's gorgeous body.

She daydreamed about holding Frank's soft hand (as she imagined it). She imagined scenarios where he'd whisper sweet nothings into her ear. She could already see them as the school's best couple. She even went as far as to imaging their wedding day.

Sometimes, she'd really creep herself out. But she kept convincing herself it was all for Frank and if she keeps on dreaming - her dreams will come true. It's what everybody says, then it must be true. Right? Lindsey believed so.

Lindsey never actually got to talk to Gerard. Even though that would help her a lot. He could use him. She could trick him somehow, get rid of him. Cut him out of the picture and tape herself into it. She was sure Gerard doesn't deserve Frank, no matter the fact she doesn't know Gerard nor anything about him.

She had many pictures of Frank. The ones she took were the ones when he wasn't aware and was changing in his bedroom. But she took those only because she couldn't find those kind of pictures on the internet. Frank posted a lot of pictures of himself and himself with Gerard and Gerard in general on his Facebook and Instagram. She had all pictures of Frank saved to her phone and computer. Lindsey photoshopped all pictures of Frank with his beloved boyfriend. She wasn't the best at photoshop, but as long as she was on a picture with Frank - she was happy.

She is a senior now; Frank is a senior too. It's her last year of having the ability to do anything. This was the year of action. This was the year Lindsey will finally get a boyfriend.


honestly, i like the general idea and i like lindsey's obsessive character. but this fic was going nowhere in my head already... it's so messy that i don't even wanna explain it, but i'll just tell y'all that gerard and lindsey were gonna end up together in the end. i just really feel like there are parts of this book that would've been wrong wether in readers' interpretation or in the eyes of moral itself. thus i leave you with a prologue.

i might take this story's bones some day and create a real book with a proper plot. you never know.

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