i hope i die (three cherrs for sweet revenge)

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after a long evening of my sister talking to me about some serious things and after she made so many valid and important points, we arrived home. we entered the house and talked to our parents casually as always. we mentioned how tired we were because working out in the afternoon was tiring enough and the walk was just even more of a tire (we did enjoy both of these activities, don't get me wrong). what they said to that was "bravo, cure" (translation: "bravo, girls"). that one bit. those two words. they pissed me off so much. not a single word that my sister said that could've knocked me out of my cool had done shit to me. but those two words made me want to rip my fucking face off and eat it.

because they constantly claim we never do shit and they pretend like the only thing we do is fucking lie around when in reality we do so many things. but all of a sudden i get fucking praised for something? in that moment, i tsked and whispered "oh fuck you" to myself. because that was my breaking point. i was done.

seen it all before // 10th spamWhere stories live. Discover now