WacDonald's Murders

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Reynard relays the information, "Hamton was born on October 11th, 1942"

"It was July 18th, 1984"

"Hamton Burger, a forty-one year old pig man from Darkwoods approached WacDonald's. Step by step over the hot pavement of the parking lot, he walked closer and closer to forever change the lives of those inside and anyone that knew them."

"He came prepared to teach society a lesson. One that would ripple painfully through time forever. In his hands he carried a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. Other than that he adorned two more guns, one 9-millimeter browning HP semi-automatic and a 9-millimeter Uzi carbine. Over his shoulder was a cloth bag sagging from the considerable weight of hundreds of rounds of ammunition for each weapon he possessed that day. Inside the WacDonald's forty-five customers went about their meals, the restaurant full of chatter, laughter, and the sounds of the cash register as customers placed their orders. Unaware that chaos was on its way through the door. Hamton pushed open the glass doors, the bells above his head sounding off as one final hopeless warning to all those inside."

"Hamton aimed his shotgun at one of the workers, a sixteen year old boy, and pulled the trigger but nothing happened. Shockingly the worker thought it simply was a very bad joke that someone was playing on him. Hamton checked his gun and successfully fired into the ceiling. At that moment, stunned and deafened by the blast, the restaurant erupted into panic. Hamton withdrew his Uzi and shot two workers and demanded everyone to get on the ground, claiming that he killed many and will be killing many more. A twenty-five year old man attempted to calm Hamton down and keep him from shooting anyone else but nobody could tell Hamton what to do anymore. This was about revenge. Revenge against a society that had abandoned and conspired against him. These people had to pay so his voice could truly be taken seriously. So he shot the man fourteen times while he screamed helplessly from the floor."

"Little did anyone know that the nightmare was only beginning. As customers sobbed uncontrollably and did their best to hide, Hamton came upon a group of women and children all grouped together, pleading for their lives. He filled them with rounds from his Uzi and shotgun killing most of them right there. One pregnant woman was shot forty-eight times with the Uzi. The woman had an eight year old baby by her side, the baby cried loudly, and without a shred of compassion or mercy in his heart, Hamton took his 9-millimeter pistol and shot the infant in the center of the back, killing him instantly. He continued firing at people, looking to kill as many as he could, specifically those being shielded by their families and loved ones."

"Three eleven year old boys, having no idea what was going on inside, rode their bikes to WacDonald's to get some drinks. Hamton opened fire on the boys from inside, striking all three of them. Of the three boys, two died."

"An elderly couple approached the WacDonald's as well, the man opened the door for his wife who was met by Hamton aiming a shotgun at her head. He pulled the trigger and struck the woman in the head, killing her. The man collapsed and cradled his wife's body, wiping blood from her face, cursing Hamton. Hamton walked up to the man and executed him with a single shot to the head."

"Police by this time had been contacted numerous times but dispatchers sent them to the wrong WacDonald's. Police eventually did arrive at the right location."

"The massacre lasted seventy-eight minutes and Hamton had fired a minimum of two hundred and forty-five rounds of ammunition. After that point the SWAT sniper got a clear shot and sent a round right through Hamton."

"Once police had entered the building they discovered the truth, the horror, that Hamton had killed twenty-one people and seriously injured nineteen others. Only one of the people shot lived long enough to make it to the hospital where they died shortly after. The total victims, whether wounded or killed that day range from four months old to seventy-four years old."

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