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"Xander was born in 1992 in a land called in Aster City in the United States of America. He lived a life of crime, committing robberies and auto theft. He was jailed for a bar fight yet he picked that lock that very night and escaped the cell. That night he broke into the home of a woman in her seventies, tied her up while he searched her house for valuables. As he went through her belongings, the bindings on her hands and legs caused her to suffocate. After several days of driving in the woman's car, police connected Xander to the crime and a Wanted poster was issued. When Xander saw the Wanted poster of himself on television, he fled but as he left the city, he met a young girl and her sister, seven and eleven years old. They were friends of his mother and would recognize him very easily. Their bodies were found strangled and dumped like garbage. The very next day, he strangled a woman after breaking into her home. His next victim was never identified but found strangled. In August of that year, he killed another woman, she was strangled while her three year old son watched. In September, he killed a man, robbed him, and used his card for the remainder of his vicious crime spree. Also in September, he killed two campers he came across while in Utah. Three days after killing the couple in the Utah campsite, he killed a woman in Texas. Then on September 23rd, he met a woman in Alabama, they traveled together until the 29th of September when he killed her and took her vehicle. On October on the 19th, he shoots a woman in Minnesota. Florida, he was stopped with two hitchhikers in his car by police but they let him go with a warning unaware of who he can be. Startled by the encounter with police, he let his victims go. On November 6th, he meets a woman in a bar and is taken home, then he stabs her and then strangles her only daughter. On November 8th, Xander meets a British reporter, he does not kill her and cannot perform sexually with a willing partner. So after time with his potential lover, he kidnaps her friend at gunpoint, demanding sex. On November 10th, his captive escapes to police who fail to catch him. Xander escapes to West Palm Beach and escapes a woman's home, who is a disabled handicapped woman, he kidnaps her sister and drives away with her in the woman's car. When he's pulled over by police in the stolen car, Xander takes the man hostage. The police officer is forced into the back of the patrol car as Xander drives off. He uses the police car to arrest a man and he takes both men as hostages, abandoning the police car. Now with two prisoners, Xander ties the men to a tree and shoots them both. On November 17th, on a roadblock, Xander accelerates trying to get through but fails. He then runs from the car, beginning a foot chase but an armed civilian is able to stop him until police apprehend him. In interrogation, he claimed up to thirty five murders but police were only able to verify eighteen. Thus ending the story of Xander, also known as The Casanova Killer."

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