Levi Thaddeus Fisher/François Howard Fish

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Levi Fisher was born in 1975. His father was a seal and he had a dolphin mother. His father would leave his mother and she would find a new man. She would then move to the capital of Frérault. Levi would grow reluctant and despised European culture and he long for America. In 1994, he would move back and would take part in the black mark circuit and with smuggling in 1996 after a bungled robber, he would flee, he would hijack a car and he drugged the driver and later kill him by suffocation, this would be his first kill ever, he would continue to steal and he was in and out of jail, after he was released he continued to drug victims and steal from them. He was on top of the US Most Wanted. He had tried to drug a group of tourists from Frérault so he could rob them but instead of the tourists falling asleep, they started to die so Levi would be arrested and charged with many crimes including murder. He was sentenced to seven years for one murder and he would escape jail then was recaptured and put in Aster City Correctional Facility and there are still many more crimes and charges against him. He escaped, committed some bank robberies as Jean-Pierre Baptiste, and was arrested on Verona Beach by Lauren Forcer and Steve Dundee.

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