"Beast of San Andreas" Michael Rotchburns

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Imagine waking up to a terrifying figure in the middle of the night.

For at least thirteen unfortunate children, this was a horrifying reality.

They became victims of Michael Rotchburns, a notorious sex offender known as the 'Beast of San Andreas'

We've all heard urban legends of a boogeyman who comes into children's rooms at night...

But this twisted legend is all too real.

He crept into homes at night dressed in blue coveralls with a white rubber face mask.

Rotchburns would snatch terrified children out of bed, tether a noose around their necks, and subject them to his sick desire - sadistic physical and sexual assault.

As a pillar of the community, Rotchburns was able to evade capture for many years.

By day he was known as an excellent builder.

Both he and his wife worked with orphan children.

He even dressed as Santa Claus for the local orphanage.

But at night, he would don his nightmare-inducing costume and terrorize the children of San Andreas.

His reign of terror lasted a decade before he was finally caught at a routine traffic stop.

Believing the police were looking for him, Rotchburns panicked and sped through the roadblock.

Police found him donning the grotesque costume in the stolen car he was driving.

In 2017, he was convicted of thirteen counts of assault, rape, and sodomy and sentenced to thirty years in Aster City Correctional Facility.

New findings point to The Beast of San Andreas as possibly responsible for a number of unsolved missing children cases.

Including the discovery of a child's skull in the same orphanage where he dressed as Santa Claus.

Rotchburn also took to Satanic worship as a member of The Church of the Blood God, building a shrine to Satan in a bar with red curtains and a large altar covered in occult symbols.

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