San Andreas Serial Killer

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"It'd be understandable if you've never heard about our subject for today. After all until 2010 nobody knew even existed. But then a routine police search uncovered his evil deeds to the entire world. Soon it became apparent what investigators had stumbled upon. It was the dumping grounds of a serial killer, one who had been active for over a decade completely unknown to the authorities who casually discarded the dismembered remains of his victims in the same area and got away with it time and time again. And he still eludes justice. Investigators might have a profile and a few solid suspects but ultimately the murderer's identity remains a mystery. We know him simply as SASK. The San Andreas Serial Killer."

"This story starts somewhere in the middle on May 1st, 2010 in a small remote community in San Andreas called Aster City Beach. That is where a twenty-four year old escort from San Andreas met up with a client. In the early hours of the morning, the escort ran out into the neighborhood screaming for help. A neighbor opened the door but when he asked the escort what the matter was, she was clearly in a frenzied state only saying, 'Help me, help me.' Over and over again. The neighbor went inside and called the police but the escort disappeared before they arrived. Authorities kept searching for her over the following months, officially this was a missing person's case but the circumstances didn't really anticipate a happy ending and soon enough police extended their search to areas where you might expect to find a body. This strategy paid off except that nobody was really expecting or prepared for the discovery they were about to make. It was December the 11th 2010, about nine months after the escort's disappearance, a police unit was conducting a routine search through a weedy area on the side of the Ocean Parkway. The police stumbled upon skeletal remains coming out of a burlap sack which had almost disintegrated. The bones turned out to belong to a twenty-four year old woman but they did not belong to the escort in fact the body was later identified as another woman. She went missing outside of her apartment on July 12th, 2009 and in the weeks that immediately followed her younger sister received multiple vulgar taunting phone calls from a strange man who said that she was dead. A couple of days after the discovery of the second woman's body, police returned to the scene this time with more manpower, they had a suspicion that there was still more to be found in the area. They were right but again it was not the remains of the escort, instead police found the bodies of three more victims all located within five hundred feet of each other. In an interview Aster City Police Chief Clyde Joyner said what everybody else was thinking, 'Four bodies found in the same location pretty much speaks for itself. It's more than a coincidence. We could have a serial killer.'"

"A few days later the FBI was brought in to help with a search. The medical examiner concluded that all the remains belonged to young women and used dental records, DNA comparisons, and facial reconstructions to try and identify them. Together the victims were referred to as Aster City Beach Four. Also including the earlier discovery of the second woman who had yet to be identified at this stage. It was in January 2011, about a month after the gruesome find that the first identification was made. The victim was a twenty-two year old woman who disappeared on June 6th, 2010 last seen leaving the Holiday Inn Express. The other three women were also identified later that same month. The remaining two were a twenty-five year old single mother who disappeared in July 2007 and a twenty-seven year old woman who appeared to be the most recent victim, having gone missing on September the 2nd 2010. Already a clear pattern began to emerge regarding the victims, like the escort, all four women worked as escorts at least on occasion."

"There was another link that connected the victims all of them offered their escort services on Craigslist, once the media found out some of them started referring to the culprit as the Craigslist Ripper although others still prefer the name which was originally assigned to him, The Aster City Beach Killer. As you are about to see however, his area of activity extended beyond Aster City Beach so the name that became the most widely used for him was The San Andreas Serial Killer or SASK."

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