Rockford Hills Letter Writer

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Rockford Hills is an affluent district in northern Aster City, San Andreas located eight kilometers southeast of University of Aster City and seven kilometers west of the courthouse.

The honorable Judge Richter, a tall and stocky German Shepherd, and Aster City's best prosecutor Victor Wolfe, a white-furred husky with grey hair and blue eyes, work at the courthouse.

Clyde Joyner, a Doberman Pinscher with hazel eyes, became a police officer and slowly but steadily climbed the ranks to become the Aster City Police Chief. The criminal masterminds of San Andreas often leave Clyde Joyner dumbfounded and his department stumped.

The Kilmore Phone Stalker, The Watcher, and the Hydra with Many Faces...

The last case ended with the previous police superintendent committing suicide by setting himself on fire. The Hydra with Many Faces immediately ceased their extortion campaign but Clyde Joyner was still feeling the heat of the unsolved crimes.

On April 4th, 2010, Dakota Burnside broke into Katherine Light's house. At gunpoint, Katherine's brother Kevin tied her to a chair. Dakota began strangling Kevin with a stocking then shot him. Dakota left the room then shot Kevin again. Kevin managed to escape and called the police. Katherine Light was found still alive, stabbed three times in the abdomen and strangled. She died a few hours later at the hospital. On February 25th, 2022, Clyde Joyner arrested The BDK Killer, Dakota Burnside.

Clyde Joyner got some of the heat off of himself. However, he couldn't take the pressure of being involved in the last case so he moved to Rockford Hills with his wife Bonnie, an Arabian Mau with blue eyes. He lived in a house on the corner of Abe Milton Parkway and Hawick Avenue. Victor Wolfe moved to a house in the same neighborhood, not far from Clyde's.

However, an unknown perpetrator would turn up the heat on Clyde Joyner once again.

"One of the most terrifying prospects of a mystery is an unknown perpetrator pulling the strings, dedicating time and effort in order to torment others over long stretches of time. While it takes many people to make a community great, it only takes one to blanket it all in fear and leave people wondering behind locked doors and closed curtains if they'll be next."

"It happened in the quiet community of Rockford Hills, San Andreas in 2013. A storm of anxiety and fear was heading for Rockford Hills from nearby K City, San Andreas. The storm came in the form of anonymous letters, postmarked but without a return address, just as they were surely intended. The letters reached numerous people throughout Rockford Hills, unwitting recipients opened the envelopes to find a strangely written letter. This letter contained what just about anyone would fear, the writer somehow knew some of the darkest most intimate secrets of the residents of Rockford Hills. Sometime later, an anonymous letter ended up in the hands of an English professor named Anna Graham. In the letter, the writer had accused the married woman of something that shocked her, an affair. Anna had been in a faithful marriage with her husband Cypher for years and according to her, certainly wasn't having an affair. But the letter was a bit more specific. The writer claimed that they knew Anna was having an affair with the dean of University of Aster City. Anna, being a professor, understood the possible complications that would arise if this kind of rumor were to begin spreading around. But there was no hiding it, the Rockford Hills letter writer wouldn't have that. Eventually word did get around like so many other rumors did concerning others. The people of Rockford Hills were starting to look at each other differently as this unknown entity seemed hell-bent on destroying and exposing their lives. Sometime later, Anna's husband received his own letter and Anna remained steadfast against the rumors insisting on her faithfulness and integrity but all they could wonder is where the accusation was coming from and who was making it to begin with. Who was dedicating countless hours to writing the anonymous letters which tormented the residents of Rockford Hills? Sometime after, what most people feared could happen did happen. Things escalated in an even darker turn of events. Specifically, for Anna. She received another letter from the anonymous writer, in it they said, 'GRAHAM, YOU HAVE HAD 2 WEEKS AND DONE NOTHING. ADMIT THE TRUTH AND INFORM THE UNIVERSITY BOARD IF NOT, I WILL BROADCAST IT ON WEAZEL NEWS, POSTERS, SIGNS, AND BILLBOARDS UNTIL THE TRUTH COMES OUT.' This threat unsettled the family more than the previous letters had. So Anna and Cypher got together with people they were closest with to discuss what possible actions to take. Among them was Cypher's sister and her pug husband Paul Forsure. Unfortunately, they were fighting an unseen enemy with copious amounts of time and willpower on their side and with an ability to remain undetected. One particular letter turned up the heat, it read, 'STAY AWAY FROM THE DEAN: DON'T LIE WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT KNOWING HIM. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE I'VE BEEN OBSERVING YOUR HOUSE AND KNOW YOU HAVE CHILDREN. THIS IS NO JOKE PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUS. EVERYONE CONCERNED HAS BEEN NOTIFIED AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OVER SOON.' Whoever this writer was, they made the Grahams fear for the lives of their children. The year after the letters began, the letters suddenly stopped. A quiet relief began to fall on the town as each resident hoped that the nightmare was finally over and they would no longer need to fear walking to their own mailbox. They no longer need to be paranoid if someone was watching them day in and day out, jotting down their secrets when they thought no one was looking. But it wasn't over, if anything, they were only at the very beginning. On August 17th of that same year, the Graham household received not a letter but a phone call. Cypher answered the phone and got into a heated discussion with whoever was on the other line. It was so heated that Cypher, after a short time, slammed down the phone, grabbed his handgun, and ran out to his car without saying a single word to Anna. He slammed on the gas and drove off. That's when Anna's worst nightmare came to pass. Cypher never returned home. He was found later, dead, his car had crashed into a tree and Cypher was dead behind the wheel. Upon inspection by authorities, Cypher's handgun had been fired, yet there was no known cause for this but it was unlikely that the gun had been fired as a result of the accident as authorities despite their rigorous inspection of the site were unable to prove that it was, either by finding a bullet hole or a spent casing. The police ruled that the accident was caused by Cypher driving drunk. Those who knew him said he never even drank heavily. Shortly after that, the letters made a return and the police chief was one of the people targeted. His letter accused him of conducting a cover-up based on Cypher Graham's accident, that drunk driving wasn't the actual cause at all. Why the Rockford Hills letter writer was angry about this was unknown. Considering that it's been speculated that Cypher was driving to find them, perhaps the letter writer did come into contact with Cypher once he had left his home. Perhaps he caused Cypher's death and maybe he was angry that he didn't get the credit he was due for it. All this aside, once more the town of Rockford Hills felt the same sense of dread and fear that plagued their everyday lives. The letters were back in full force and the culprit was no closer to being caught. In a bizarre turn of events, Anna and the dean of University of Aster City did confirm that they were indeed carrying on a relationship, however, they both insisted that the relationship only began after they had received letters. They connected due to the allegations and ended up becoming closer as a result, in some strange form of a self-fulfilling prophecy. That aside, the letters continued to flow. It went on like that for seven years, the letters just continuing to come with authorities having no way of finding out who was sending them. Anna and the dean continued to receive especially threatening letters, then one day, while Anna was driving back along a bus route, she was mortified to discover that the street was lined with signs each one directed at Anna and carrying the same threatening and embarrassing tone. Shockingly, no one saw who put the signs up there. It was as if they were dealing with a ghost. But Anna had had enough, she got out of the car and stormed up to the first sign which was stuck on a fence post. She took the sign down, without realizing just how much danger she was in by doing so. Her surprising calmness when removing the sign saved her life, as the sign had been rigged as a trap. It was connected to a small box, inside the box was a pistol aimed right at Anna's face with wire connected to the trigger. The handgun trap was designed so that if someone aggressively ripped down the sign, it would have gone off. Anna gathered everything up carefully, put it all on the car, and drove home to contact the police. The police arrived and disabled the trap before confiscating the handgun. When they inspected it closer, they noticed that the serial number on the weapon was partially scratched off but not entirely. It was enough to trace the handgun back to a man that Anna knew personally, Paul Forsure, her former brother-in-law. The same man that had offered her support through the terrifying ordeal which lasted a long seven years, was allegedly the culprit behind the dread of Rockford Hills. However on May 24th, 2022, Paul stood trial and due to the firearm and a penmanship test that was found to be inconclusive, a jury sent Paul to Aster City Correctional Facility for a sentence ranging from seven to twenty-five years. It appeared as though Rockford Hills was finally through what would have been the worst ordeal to ever sweep through the quiet town, but oddly enough, even after Paul was behind bars, the letters made a powerful return. For some time longer, the residents would yet again be pinned under the immense weight of their fear and paranoia. Perhaps the strangest part of all, was that Paul Forsure, also received his own letter, the writer laughing at him. The letter stated partially, 'ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE YOU AREN'T GETTING OUT OF THERE. I TOLD YOU TWO YEARS AGO. WE SET HIM UP THEY STAY SET UP. DON'T YOU LISTEN AT ALL. NOONE WANTS YOU OUT. NOONE THE JOKE IS ON YOU. HA. HA. TELL NOONE OF THIS LETTER' Despite this, Paul did the remainder of his time being released after around ten years in Aster City Correctional Facility. He maintained his innocence without wavering until his death."

Ug Lee, a twenty-year old male stallion dog that has golden fur and blue eyes, was reported to be around the booby-trapped sign.

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