Laughing Layla

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"On the outside, Layla Donn appeared to be a very kind-hearted neighbor, wife, and mother, but on the inside lurks something else entirely. Let's open the serial killer file."

"Layla Hazel was born on November 4th, 1905 to an underprivileged donkey family in Alabama. Brought up with one brother and three sisters, Layla and her siblings lacked a proper education with an over-controlling father, all the children were forced to work long hours on the family farm and were forbidden to engage in healthy social lives. Layla experienced an accident at the age of seven when she hit her head against a metal bar while riding a train with her family, she would later blame the accident for her depression, severe headaches, and daily blackouts while growing up. Layla grew up to resent her father, as a teenager Layla and her sisters were restricted from ever wearing makeup and clothing that remotely made them appear attractive in order to limit the girls interaction with boys. Layla was sixteen years old when she married her first husband Charlie Braggs, an okapi man that worked at the same linen factory as her. The two had dated four short months before tying the knot under the approval of her father. The newlywed couple never got to experience a honeymoon phase in their marriage, however, Charlie had no family and was raised by a mother who never married either, because Charlie was all his mother had, he insisted that his mother lived with them. Living in a controlled environment, Layla was subjected to her mother-in-law's rules and went on to give birth to four daughters between 1923 and 1927. Young and living in an unhappy marriage, Layla began taking up heavy drinking and smoking in order to get through her days. It wasn't long before the marriage hit its lowest point, raising four children Layla rarely saw Charlie after he began cheating on her. Things only got worse when in early 1927, two of their daughters unexpectedly died from suspected food poisoning. The grieving process seemed to be cut short when Layla received her daughters' life insurance money. Charlie accused Layla of poisoning the girls and fled with their firstborn daughter leaving behind their newborn in Layla's care. After the death of her mother-in-law, the couple divorced in 1928. Layla took custody over the remaining two daughters after Charlie stated that he feared his wife and refused to eat her food whenever she was in a sour mood. Falling back on a failed marriage and with two children to support, Layla turned to romance novels and began to seek out a new partner. After the divorce, Layla moved to Anniston, Alabama with her kids, continuing to write for the magazine, Layla caught the eye of twenty-three year old okapi man, Robert Frank Harrison. The two began exchanging romantic poetry and gifts to each other until marrying in 1929. High hopes for a new start at raising a family didn't last very long when Layla moved the girls to Jacksonville only to discover that her new husband was an alcoholic with a history of criminal assault charges. Despite his past records, the couple were together for sixteen years, much longer than her previous marriage. In 1943, Layla's oldest donkey daughter Mulina gave birth to her first son and a second child in 1945. Exhausted from her long hours in labor, Mulina thought she was delusional when she witnessed her mother sticking a hatpin into the head of her newborn and killing the child. Doctors apologized and were unable to confirm the cause of death, believing it could have possibly been birth complications. A few months later, Layla was taking care of her infant grandson when he unexpectedly died of asphyxiation. The sudden death of the child left the family in a state of shock and grief while Layla went on to collect five hundred dollars of life insurance that she had taken out on the baby just two months prior. After a drunken night at a local bar in 1945, Frank returned home demanding sex from his wife who declined. Frank became violent and Layla finally submitted, Layla insisted that Frank raped her that night which was the last straw for her. Distraught and angry, Layla sought revenge the next day by discretely placing poison into Frank's liquor jar. Ultimately watching her husband die a slow and painful death that same evening. Layla was content with killing off as many 'loved ones' as she could and would continue to collect money from their deaths. It didn't take very long for Layla to move on once again, she was able to easily find another suitable man, a sheep named Arnold Lancaster, through magazine dating columns while moving to Lexington, North Carolina. After three days, the couple married however this was no longer a motive to find happiness for Layla, just like her previous husbands Arnold was known to be a cheater and alcoholic who took advantage of women. For undisclosed periods of time, Layla would sneak out of town and return in an optimistic state, tending to her household duties while her husband sought love from other women. It was during her third marriage which she came to the harsh realization that she would never be able to find the perfect man suitable for someone like herself. In 1950, Arnold suddenly died of heart failure after experiencing flu-like symptoms. Doctors believed his death had been attributed to his heavy drinking taking Layla off of everyone's radar. The morning after Arnold's death, his property was burned to the ground. Layla knew that Arnold's sister would collect the property after his death and did everything she could to stop that from ever happening. Just before leaving town, Layla went on to visit her mother-in-law who had also unexpectedly died in her sleep that same evening. In 1952, Layla was now a forty-seventy year old donkey woman and aging fast. Realizing she was losing her look, she began searching for older men through a dating agency called the Vultur Lé Culturé, it was from there she was able to find her fourth husband, a blue spotted monitor lizard with yellow eyes named Rick Mortmar. Realizing that he was yet another womanizer, Layla began plotting her kill until her plans were put to a sudden stop when her elderly mother decided to move in. Unable to kill without getting caught, she took extra precautions but eventually had no choice but to poison her own mother. Three months following her mother's death, Rick was killed just before Layla made her final stop to Liberty City, San Andreas. Desperate for money, Layla loved the thrill of the kill however that thrill soon caught up with her. In June of 1953, Layla met and married Samuel Donn, a conservative and religious donkey man that highly disapproved of Layla's romance novels, a few months into the marriage Samuel was diagnosed by doctors with a severe digestive tract infection after eating Layla's food. In desperation to collect the two life insurance policies she had taken out on him, Layla had poisoned Samuel and he died as a result. Samuel's sudden death made doctors suspicious and in October of 1954, Layla was apprehended for the murder of her husband after an autopsy concluded that Samuel had ingested an alarming amount of arsenic. On May 17th, 1955, Layla pled guilty for the eleven murder she committed from the 1920s to 1954. Layla confessed to all of her murders in a delighted manner, appearing to have no remorse for the murders of her infant grandson, her mother, four husbands, and previous mother-in-laws. The state did not pursue the death penalty and sentenced Layla to life in Aster City Correctional Facility and she went there laughing. Layla Donn died of leukemia in the hospital ward of the Aster City Correctional Facility on June 2nd, 1965 at the age of fifty-nine."

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