Karl Blaze

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"Karl Kenneth Blaze was born in Possum Lake, Ontario, Canada in 1964 to a wealthy but dysfunctional family. His family gained their income from a highly successful tile and marble business which was passed down to his father Kenneth Blaze. His father had a long history of abusiveness towards women, this was especially true for Karl's mother Margaret. After the birth of their first daughter, his mother began having an affair with a former boyfriend. This eventually led to the birth of Karl. Regardless of her affair, Kenneth took biological custody over Karl. Unhappy with her marriage, his mother fell into a spiraling depression and unexpectedly withdrew her role as a mother. Leaving Karl motherless at a young age. In 1975, Karl's father was charged with molestation after fondling a young girl including his own daughter. This would open a new door to sadistic behaviors in Karl's life according to people who knew him. Karl grew up to live a fairly normal and happy life despite his past. In 1986, Karl graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in accounting. It was during this time when he began dating multiple girls, his boyish good looks allowed him to manipulate any girl he wanted. Though he had his good looks going for him, every relationship failed because of his abusive behavior and aggressive sexual needs. Residents throughout Possum Lake would soon fear the worst when Paul began raping young women in the late hours. In March of 1987, multiple women came forward with assault charges targeted towards a tall, adult male with black fur. DNA samples taken from each victim led to his title as the Possum Lake Rapist throughout southern Ontario. Karl Blaze would develop a female alter ego named Barbara Matel. This would be the start to a life of sexual crimes together. Their dark secrets were well hidden from anyone who knew them."

"In 1990, he began experiencing a sick obsession with his youngest sister-in-law Skipper. Karl would frequently masturbate to Skipper undressing as his Barbara alter ego would open the blinds. She looked up to him like an older brother, while his intentions were anything but sincere towards her. She became the target of his deviant urges. Making Skipper the perfect gift to Karl. Over the Christmas holidays the family threw a Christmas party on Christmas Eve in 1990. Once every member in the house was fast asleep, the two launched their attack on Skipper by inviting her to share a couple of drinks with them. Barbara slipped sleeping pills and tranquilizer into her drink. Once she fell unconscious, Barbara placed a soaking rag of halothane to Skipper's faces as Karl proceeded to rape her."

"It was only a matter of moments before the sister began to wake up and things took an unexpected turn. Skipper began choking on her vomit while lying on the carpet. Due to asphyxiation caused by her vomit, she was declared dead at the hospital. When questioned by police, Karl stated that Skipper was a foolish teenager who drank too much resulting in her accidental death. When asked about the trauma burns on her face, Karl explained the marks were simply a result of carpet burn after they attempted to revive the younger sister. The cause of death was filed under natural causes. Without a trace, Barbara and Karl escaped without any consequences. Karl would move to Schitt's Creek. Police in southern Ontario would no longer receive reports of sexual assaults around Possum Lake but eventually reports of sexual assaults began making its way around Schitt's Creek. The death of Skipper didn't stop the two from engaging in sadistic acts, in fact it only encouraged them to move to new targets. Specifically targeting younger girls for their virginity. In the early morning of June 15th, 1991, Karl kidnapped a fourteen year old who was wandering out on her own after her parents locked her out of the house as a consequence for passing her curfew. The two began videotaping themselves brutally torturing and sexually abusing the teen. The teen begged and pleaded for them to stop promising to never go to police. The two eventually strangled the teen and hid her body in their basement before cutting her up into pieces and placing each dismembered limb into two hundred pound concrete blocks. Police would eventually receive a call from a concerned father and son when the teen's scattered body parts were found on June 29th. The same day as Karl and Barbara's 'wedding'. Dental records were able to identify the remains belonging to the teen. The thirst for more victims was never quenched for Karl and Barbara. It would be their third victim that would cause major headlines in the media. In the afternoon of April 16th, 1992, the two drove nearby a school scavenging to find their next victim. Barbara eventually got out of the vehicle with a map in her paw before luring a fifteen year old student who lived very close to where she was pulled over. In her vulnerable state, Karl was able to force her into the car with a knife. Within a twenty-four hour period, National Police Agency sent out an abduction team after the discovery of the teen's shoe in a parking lot. Over the three days of Easter weekend, the two videotaped themselves as they tortured and sodomized their victim, forcing her to drink copious amounts of alcohol. Karl strangled the teen. he gruesome discovery of the teen's naked body was discovered in a ditch on April 30th, 1992, in Burlington, Ontario, not far away from the burial site of the first teen. Police noted that the body had been cleaned up and the fur on the victim was cut away to intervene with identifying the remains. The composite sketch of Karl was released to the public, many of his friends were in shocked to discover that the looked eerily similar to their very good friend. Karl was apprehended when he fled to Aster City after headlines began to scatter across Canada and the United States. Homemade videotapes served as crucial pieces of evidence in the trial. Karl Blaze was sentenced to life in prison with a chance of parole in twenty-five years. He's considered a dangerous offender that will most likely not be released and proceeds to be kept in segregation for his actions. Karl is still incarcerated at Aster City Correctional Facility but has recently applied for day parole in Toronto, Canada."

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