Miss Beavers

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"At 3:50AM, on Monday the 18th of April, 2016, surveillance cameras captured a suspect breaking into a church in Aster City, San Andreas. Dressed head to toe in fake SWAT gear, the suspect roamed the halls and rooms with a crowbar and a hammer, occasionally breaking a door or a window in. There was no reason to rob the building, it was a church after all. So why were they there? These videos would be the last moments recorded inside the church before Miss Beavers was due to arrive to host her fitness class for the morning. Unfortunately she would never leave that building alive again. Who killed Miss Beavers? And who was the suspect in the surveillance footage?"

"Miss Beavers was born on August the 9th, 1970. She grew up in San Andreas and graduated from high school in 1998. After high school she attended University of Aster City, where she obtained a degree in sciences and graduated in that in 1995. Once university was over, she became a teacher, specializing in helping children with special needs. And shortly after that, she met a gentleman called Brandon Beavers. The two would marry in 1998. Now Miss was also a smart cookie, she breezed through her degree in sciences, but she was also free-spirited and she wanted to spend her life helping others. And in 2015, she became a fitness class instructor for Camp Wopescum. She ran these classes in a variety of locations around San Andreas. Including a location no other than the church."

"The date was April the 17th, 2016. It was a Sunday. Her husband Brandon was on a fishing trip in Mississippi, so Miss was taking the weekend off, just relaxing at home. But she did have a commitment to run her fitness class the following morning. Throughout the weekend Aster City had suffered from exceptionally poor weather and it wasn't expected to change anytime soon either. But in response to the rain, Miss posted a meme on Facebook to read


With the caption 'NO EXCUSES... You are Wopescum!' Her session booked at 5:00PM at the church was full. So at 9:30, she gave a quick call to her husband said good night to one of her groups in Facebook, got into bed, and fell asleep."

"The next morning of April the 18th, 2016, at 1:58AM, just across the road from the church, surveillance cameras from a shop detected a car behaving bizarrely. The shop was a family-run firearms retailer and so the building was shut overnight. But there, the unidentified vehicle could be seen aimlessly prowling the car park, often stopping to turn all their lights off, and flashing the headlights in the dark. It roamed for six minutes before driving away. No one was around to notice the car and so nothing was reported. Neither did the driver commit any offense, only that it was odd that they were there. Back the other way, Miss was expected to arrive at the church at about 4:30 in the morning to set up for her fitness class. The church didn't hold much of value. Maybe a decent sound system and money from donations the day before, but it had a surveillance camera system nevertheless. And although it had several cameras installed in the building, all cameras inspecting the exterior of the church were not operational that night. The church is located along Highway 287. Fields and trees cover the remaining three flanks. The building is isolated and quite large for its kind with a car park surrounding it. The firearm shop along with a wedding venue can be found across the highway. And a small airport lies just north east. At 3:50AM that morning, surveillance cameras inside the church were activated capturing an unknown individual breaking in. They were covered in faux SWAT gear and walking in a calm demeanor. Cameras first record them walking away down a half-lit hallway. Footsteps probably the only noise to break through the nighttime silence. And although cameras didn't show the point of entry to the church, police confirmed that they gained access by breaking through a side delivery door in the kitchen. The suspect was in no rush or hurry. They strolled slowly from room to room with a distinctive duck-footed gate. Looking through every door along the way. One observation is that any attempt made to open a door was not met with much force. Next, another camera in the same location but facing down the other hallway, captures the suspect walking past the southwest entrance. On the other side of this entrance would be where Miss later parks her car. They peer into another unlocked room with the dutch door, this is a children's playroom, and then they move into an adjacent room which has a series of side doors that lead on to the next. The suspect eventually leaves an office door. The surveillance camera reactivated by motion detection. And walks back towards the camera with a headlight activated, before entering the worship center. And a few minutes later, a fourth camera records the suspect leaving an eastern facing room. Just out of the camera's view, they spot a locked storage room and smash the glass to gain access. This is where the surveillance footage released to the public ends. At this point in the footage, the suspect has spent about thirty minutes in the church and completed almost one entire circuit around the layout. And just minutes later at 4:16AM, Miss Beavers arrives at the church grounds. She parks a car and enters the building at around about 4:20AM, leaving her car parked in the south-facing awning. And while the surveillance footage showing Miss entering the church has never been released to the public, it would be the last time that she was ever seen alive again. Just forty minutes later, students from her class entered the church and found a lying on the floor covered in puncture wounds. They called the police immediately. Friends, family, and media were devastated. Miss' murder quickly gained state and nationwide attention, but nobody could identify the person in the surveillance footage. So, what do we know about the suspect? The obvious first impression is that they were wearing full SWAT gear. Though it's confirmed that it was not genuine. They either bought it off a third-party website or even a novelty store. They also have a headlamp attached to the head, which can be used to operate hands-free, or to dazzle anyone in front of them. The suspect also doesn't appear to have great motion control of their legs and walks with a stiffness with their feet splayed outward from their body. Their feet also sometimes drags while walking. Their odd way of walking could be down to injury, surgery, being overweight, or from wearing oversized boots to mask their shoe size. One other consideration that isn't often talked about is that it could also be put on to fool surveillance viewers. Forensics concluded from the dutch door that the height range of the suspect was between five foot two and five foot seven without uniform. Most likely five foot eight with uniform. So we've already observed the lack of effort in prying open the locked door, but it was also noted that they exerted no animation into breaking the glass panel all while opening doors. In fact all of their attempts in vandalizing the church don't seem to be genuine in nature. It rather looks like a half-hearted attempt to stage the scene to look as if it were subject to random vandalization. The suspect is most likely right-handed as most functions are performed with it over their left hand. They're also seen holding the box of something in their left hand and although it is not known what the box is for, people have speculated it to be a light bulb box, a knife box, and a scope box. One of the main confusions to this case is whether the suspect is a male or a female. And opinions on the matter seem to be fifty-fifty straight down the middle. I'm led to believe that it's a female. At one point the suspect pauses and turns, and there is something vaguely feminine about the way they moved. Enhancements to one of the segments of the surveillance footage also shows the suspect's eyes in better detail. To me the facial features are soft like a female's eyebrows. Despite the range of characteristics, the weird walk, and the full surveillance of the body of the suspect, no one has ever been identified or arrested. In fact, not even a motive could be determined. The church still had money from the previous day in its office and audio equipment was never touched. Miss Beavers' body was found with her jewelry and her phone so this rules out the motive of robbery. If the motive was vandalism, this is usually committed with anger and rage, yet all attempts of damage seemed emotionless and the suspect remained calm and docile to all their actions through the surveillance footage. And did they know that they were being recorded by CCTV? They did put a lot of effort into concealing their identity after all. And the cameras outside the church were coincidentally not running that day. It is possible that the vehicle that was captured by footage across the road earlier that evening may have been scouting the area first to make sure that they could get away, but police aren't sure. Following Miss' death, police searched through texts emails, and questionable messages sent to her through Linkedin. A handful of phone numbers that had been in contact with Miss were also reviewed but nothing substantial came from this. Miss Beavers' husband Brandon couldn't avoid being questioned by police. But it's confirmed that he was in Mississippi on a fishing trip the morning she was killed. Police tracked his mobile phone to cell towers in the area. He had a solid alibi. However, it was also noted that the two are going through marital problems shortly before her death. Strong allegations surfaced that she was having an affair just before, and the two were also financially struggling to make ends meet. People were quick to highlight that it was rather convenient that Brandon was out of state on the weekend that she was killed. People started to rumor that maybe he had hired a hitman or a hit woman, however there is no evidence to support this. But on the mention of affair, could Miss have perhaps been having an affair with someone who also had a partner and could that partner potentially have been jealous? Miss had a very public lifestyle, she shared her personal information and her locations all the time. Even the post the night before she was murdered revealed her expected time and location. So it wouldn't have been difficult for the killer to get there early and wait. There were other suspects too, but even the most sensational of those were drawn blank in the end. Just four days after Miss was murdered her father-in-law, Castor Beavers, took a bloodstained shirt to the dry cleaners. The dry cleaner reported it to the police and Castor was pulling for questioning. And as he arrived at the police station, media recorded him and the way he walked. Understandably, the way he did walk looked strikingly similar to that of the suspect. However, Castor also had an alibi. He was in also in San Andreas that morning and the blood found on the shirt was actually that of the family's friend chihuahua. The dog had gotten a fight two days prior and the doctor confirmed this story. An ex-police officer was also suspected at one point. Not only had he worked security but he also attended the same church that Miss was murdered in. He too, however, had a strong alibi and passed a polygraph test. He was therefore later dropped from suspicion. It has now been almost five years since the murder of Miss Beavers and we are still none the wiser to solving the case. Still no one knows who the suspect is. All we know is in the dark of an early April morning, someone wearing fake police gear infiltrated into the church, broke their way in, stalked the rooms and halls, and then killed the incoming Miss Beavers. And after all this time so many questions still remain open to this case. Was this a planned murder? Or was it a murder through opportunity? Was the suspect a man or a woman? Did they know there was surveillance before they entered the church? Did they disable the cameras outside the church? Was the car seen earlier involved in her murder? And was the killer hired?"

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