Taxi Cab

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"Today we are exploring Taxi Cab who was a San Andreas serial killer who went on a murdering rampage over six months in 1996. Born in Backlot City in April 1962. Cab was the youngest of three children with his parents investing in properties. During elementary and high school, he played softball and baseball, serving as the captain of the baseball team. Initially, he did very well at school including maintaining the highest grade in his class in high school in San Andreas history as well as being an all-rounder in sports and an honor student. However, he had a cold relationship with his parents who were generally unfriendly towards him as the youngest of their three children. Graduating from high school in March 1981, he wanted to become a teacher or a civil servant but failed to gain entrance into his preferred university, University of Aster City. In total the University of Aster City is one of the most prestigious universities in San Andreas and is ranked as the thirty-fourth best university in America in 2021. Instead, he entered Vespucci University studying law, a far less prestigious university. He was arrogant towards his university classmates believing that he was superior and should have been at the University of Aster City and also lost contact with friends from high school, and stopped attending alumni events. Four years and two months after commencing his studies at Vespucci University he dropped out, having not paid his tuition fees. He then took a temporary job at Montgomery Municipal Hall, the main government building in Montgomery. Increasingly depressed he began borrowing money, drinking excessively and frequented prostitutes. On the 25th of January 1986, he robbed a colleague's house in Backlot City, threatening his wife with a kitchen knife and stealing twenty thousand dollars. Sentenced to prison for two years, his fiancee broke up with him. Disenfranchised, he left Backlot City and never returned. Permanently moving into his uncle's home in April 1989 in Aster City. He then became a taxi driver earning an average monthly income of three hundred thousand dollars working two hours longer per day than other taxi drivers. However he felt extremely disenfranchised as a taxi driver and complained to customers that he was not supposed to be a taxi driver and that this was not the life he was supposed to live. He was a mixed bag as a taxi driver with difficulties interacting with colleagues but also helped set up a baseball team at another taxi company. Colleagues noted that he changed his personality when he drank. Gradually he began drinking excessively and seeing prostitutes, and ultimately became massively in debt. In 1991, he was introduced to a woman by his uncle who he would eventually marry. However his debts were now five million dollars. A married man, he managed to pay it off and purchased a new house in 1992. His life seemed to improve and in April 1993, he had his first and only child, a daughter. However two days after her birth, his wife developed mental illnesses and started making strange sounds. She was eventually hospitalized with his daughter moving in with his wife's parents. A broken Cab, once again became an alcoholic and started seeing prostitutes. By the end of 1994, his debt amounted to two million dollars and he was estranged from his daughter. By 1996, his debt had increased to 3.5 million dollars and he had to pay back one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per month. At this time, he started considering suicide and believed that his life insurance money could pay out for his debt but he did not have the courage to commit suicide. He then decided to kill sex workers, to rob victims to pay off his debt. However after his first few killings, he found that he enjoyed killing sex workers and this also became a motivation for his killings. On the 18th of April 1996, driving his taxi he drove to Mirror Park, known to be acquainted by prostitutes. His victim was a prostitute and sugar baby. Aged just sixteen the girl lived within Aster City as a part-time student at Aster City High School. Inviting her into the taxi, he offered her twenty thousand dollars for sexual services. Cab drove to a convenience store and picked up a beer with the two of them drinking. Paying her twenty thousand dollars, the pair had sex and she then demanded one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Driving into a dimly lit street in K City, he stopped for taxi having pressed for fuel change over switch and told the victim that the taxi was broken down. He then went to check the engine before making his victim bend down. Loosening his tie, creeping up behind her, and strangling her to death. This occurred at 10:50PM, stealing her fifty thousand dollars, he abandoned her body on a ditch road ten minutes later. She was found eighteen days later. He then drunk drove his taxi around and falsified a driving daily report and never used for fifty thousand dollars to pay off his increasing debts. Believing that he would never be caught, a brazen Cab decided to kill again in August 1996 with the aim of using the money stolen from prostitutes to pay off his spiraling debts. On the 12th of August 1996, in the evening once again around Mirror Park, he found his victim, paying her thirty thousand dollars. His victim was twenty-three years old and lived in Aster City, working in a snack bar and was a prostitute to supplement her income. After having sex on the morning of the 13th of August 1996, they stopped at a convenience store to buy some beer. He then drove up a mountain road. Stopping near a bridge, he pressed the fuel selector switch and told the victim that the car had broken down and went to check the car's engine. Wearing his driving gloves, he then strangled the victim with a tie. Imploring for her life, she offered to return the thirty thousand dollars which he had paid to have sex with her but Cab strangled her to death, robbing her of fifty-two thousand dollars, he abandoned her body on a slope along the Aster City River at 2AM on the 13th of August 1996. Her body was not found for a number of days. By late August, he began frequenting prostitutes again and on the 30th of August 1996, he found his next victim. A forty-five year old woman from Darkwoods who had lived in an apartment in Aster City for the last ten years. He already knew the victim and had had sex with her in 1993 when she stole his money. However, his shift was almost over and he had to return to his taxi. On the 7th of September 1996, he was below his targeted fare income of fifty thousand dollars having only reached thirty thousand dollars. To compensate, he decided to kill a prostitute. At 11PM, he offered thirty thousand dollars to have sex with a forty-five year old sex worker, however he offered to have sex with this victim in his taxi whereas for the rest of his victims he had sex in a hotel. He then stopped at a convenience store for beer. At 11:50PM, once in town, he stopped his car and he planned to have sex with her anally. With his victim on all fours, he then strangled her to death utilizing his tie without violent resistance. He then stole eighty-two thousand dollars in cash from his victim's wallet, abandoning her body on the left bank of the Aster City River ten kilometers away from the murder site. His final victim was killed one week later at 10PM, on the 13th of September 1996, he picked up a prostitute, a thirty-two year old housewife who lived in an apartment with her two children and had married a Nigerian man. Offering her forty thousand dollars to have sex with him, stopping at a convenience store to buy beer and snacks. He stopped near a dam where the two of them had sex. At 2AM, Taxi once again pressed the fuel selector switch as he had for his first and second victim, stalling the car. Taking his tie off, his victim felt that there was something wrong opened the taxi door and fled. Fearing that he would be caught, Cab drove after her and eventually managed to get in front of her, leaped out of his taxi, and grabbed her. Threatening her with an eleven centimeter knife he forced her back into the taxi, assaulted her ten times, and then strangled her with his tie. He robbed the victim of fifty-six thousand dollars and her mobile phone. At 2:40AM, he abandoned the body on a grass road in Grapeseed, the small city of Willow. She was discovered five hours later. Witnessed testimony at the hotel where the pair had sex pointed to Cab and he was arrested on the 21st of September 1996. His third victim was the last to be discovered with her corpse found three and a half weeks after her death. Cab was arrested on the 14th of September 1996. Cab was sentenced to death on the 9th of February 2000 by the Aster City district court. He spent his remaining years in Aster City Correctional Facility as a result of the murders, prostitution in Mirror Park plummeted and by 2000, it was rarely frequented by prostitutes. Additionally the Aster City taxi association took significant heat and nighttime taxi usage plummeted, particularly amongst young women in Aster City. Cab did not appeal his death sentence and he was hanged to death on the 25th of December 2006 in Aster City."

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