Josh Rivers

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The murder count for the unknown killer is reported as being around forty-five people. They were murdered in Aster City. Up by Aster City River, more bodies would turn up regularly. All of the bodies were young girls. Some of the girls would be found to be prostitutes and a police task force would be put on the case to discover who had been killing the young prostitutes. The task force would spend $15 million trying to work out who was killing the young women using a number of special ways to track the killer including the help of botanists and anthropologists and psychologists. But all had failed to find the identity of The Aster City River Killer and the profile of the killer would show he had a hatred for women and also a hatred from his own mother so the police had come to a point where they had at the time five prime suspects that they were looking in to but each one of the suspects would be eliminated after a number of further investigations. A Texan was arrested after he had supposedly confessed to all of the young prostitutes murders. The killing had taken place in at least sixteen states and was called a killing rampage. There had been some opposing theories that the killings had not been the work of the Texan but the real killer's identity had been Josh River and the Texan was innocent. Rivers was arrested and given forty-eight life sentences in total.

Josh Rivers, more famously known as the Aster City River Killer. Rivers was one of the most prolific serial killers in the United States with forty-nine confirmed murders. This number may be higher as Rivers eventually confessed to seventy-one murders. During the 80s and 90s the U.S was gripped by a shocking string of deaths centered in the state of San Andreas women and girls as young as fourteen were disappearing, their strangled bodies would later be discovered often in the area of the Aster City River. Anxiety and fear ran high, and the question on everyone's mind was who could do this and why?

"What did you want to do to her?" The female psychologist asks.

"What do you want to do her? Just to have her stop and uh," Josh Rivers, the green raccoon, stopped and thought about his answer.

"But how would you do it? What did you think in your head about how you would do it? That's that's what we're trying to get at. When did you first think about treating your mom violently to get what you wanted her to do?" The female psychologist asks.

"Probably in fourth grade," Josh answers. 

"Okay, there we go, fourth," the female psychologist states.

"Fourth...fourth, fifth, and six," Josh continues.

"And what, what was in your mind that you wanted to do to get her to treat you a certain way? What did you want to do to your mom here?" The female psychologist asks.

"I wanted her to um stop, um, being angry at me for not knowing how to uh-" Josh thinks about his answer.

"But she wasn't stopping," the female psychologist states.

"No," Josh answers.

"She wasn't, stopping was she kept picking on you, belittling you, embarrassing you. I mean that's pretty clear from yesterday," the female psychologist states.

Many serial killers show signs of aggression during their childhood. This is enhanced when abuse by a parent occurs. It's normal to have flashes of anger and most children have wanted to hit someone at some point, however these feelings are typically short-lived and aren't dwelled on obsessively.

"It happened in school too, so-" Josh says.

"And so what was your way of retaliating against her in your mind and what were you thinking to do to your mom?" The female psychologist asks.

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