The Murder of Janet B. Ramses

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"When dealing with a case that involves so much that is not known for sure. It is probably best to begin by outlining what we do know for sure. On Christmas evening of 1996, sometime between 9 and 10PM or so, Jonathan and Kathy Ramses and their two young children, nine year old Beau and six year old Janet B. arrive at their Boulder, Colorado home after attending a Christmas party at the house of close friends the Greys. According to Jonathan and Kathy Ramses, Janet B. had fallen asleep in the car and was taken to bed by Jonathan."

"Even that seemingly innocuous detail is questioned by some, it's not a factual assertion we will spend any time on right now. We only pause to note how these sorts of disputes in the Ramses case really illustrate just how little is known for sure."

"Whatever the Ramses' specific before bedtime activities were, in fact they were all in their beds at one point that night, the next thing we unfortunately know for sure is that sometime that evening or in the early morning hours of that following morning, Janet B. was killed. We do not know for sure whether Kathy or anyone else in the family were aware of that fact when she made the following 911 call at 5:52AM." 


"911 emergency," Female 911 operator Diana says.

"Police!" Kathy Ramses says.

"What's going on there, ma'am?" Diana asks.

"We have a kidnapping. Hurry, please!" Kathy Ramses says.

"Explain to me what's going on, okay?" Diana asks.

"There-we have...there's a note left and our daughter's gone," Kathy Ramses says.

"A note was left and your daughter is gone?" Diana asks.

"Yes," Kathy Ramses says.

"How old is your daughter?" Diana asks.

"Six years old. She's blonde. Six years old," Kathy Ramses describes.

"How long ago was this?" Diana asks.

"I don't know, I just found the note! And my daughter-" Kathy Ramses says.

"Does it say who took her?" Diana asks.

"What?" Kathy Ramses asks.

"Does it say who took her?" Diana asks.

"No. I don't know, it's...There's a ransom note here." Kathy Ramses says.

"It's a ransom note?" Diana asks.

"It says 'S.B.T.C Victory' please!" Kathy Ramses reads.

"Okay, what's your name? Are you-?" Diana asks.

"Kathy Ramses. I'm the mother. Oh, my God! Please!" Kathy Ramses shouts, panicked.

"I'm-okay, I'm sending an officer over, okay?" Diana asks.

"Please," Kathy Ramses pleads.

"Do you know how long she's been gone?" Diana asks.

"No, I don't! Please. We just got up and she's not here. Oh, my God, please," Kathy Ramses pleads panicked.

"Okay, calm-" Diana says.

"Please send somebody," Kathy Ramses pleads.

"I am, honey." Diana says reassuringly.

"Please!" Kathy Ramses pleads.

"Take a deep breath for me, okay?" Diana asks.

"Please, hurry, hurry, hurry," Kathy says.

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