Keela and Geela

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At only seventeen years old, puma Naylah ended up pregnant with twins, naming the girls Kayla and Jayla known as Keela and Geela. For twelve years, the trio lived with Naylah's grandmother. That would be the girl's great-grandmother. But Naylah dreamed of giving her daughters a better life.

So Naylah and the twins moved about twenty miles away to Aster City. The young mom made sure the girls had the advantages that eluded her. Putting them in dance and music classes, nothing but the best for her beautiful princesses. The blue-eyed girls were also straight A students with hopes of going to Harvard but their path to success was dramatically diverted when the girls went to high school.

Keela and Geela bitterly resented their mother's discipline and soon, the rage would boil over when Naylah took Keela's cell phone. Keela would dye her hair purple and Geela would dye her hair pink.

Keela ran away. Officer Lauren Forcer of the Aster City Police Department, a female Doberman Pinscher with red hair, arrived at the home. At the time, the twins told the officer they didn't want to live with their mom and insisted on moving back with their great-grandmother where the rules were relaxed. After a few hours, things appeared to calm down. Officer Forcer left. Within three or four minutes, both of them jumped on her and the two of them began to beat her. Naylah managed to run away and calls 911. Officer Forcer rushed back to the house.

Keela and Geela are charged, ordered with their mother to go to counseling.

Family members knew the twins resented Naylah but most chalked it up to the rebellious teenage phase but these mother-daughter spats are nothing compared to the next time the cops are called to the house.

Cops say Naylah Concolor was stabbed eighty times with a kitchen knife, her spinal cord nearly severed on January 13th, 2010. Naylah and her daughters had a history of arguing but it was unfathomable that these two petite sixteen year olds were capable of murder.

Immediately after the murder, the twins are consoled by police.

The twins lies begin to unravel further when detectives retrace their movements on the day of the murder. Surveillance video from nearby Mirror Park Gas Station shows the twins didn't walk to school, they hitched a ride from a stranger. The high school surveillance video shows the twins in the hallway hours after they told police they arrived at school.

Detectives separate the twisted inseparable twins, putting them in different interrogation rooms. Being apart seems to wear them down.

For the next four months, Keela and Geela lead a normal life, going to school, hanging out with friends, even attending prom.

The twins are arrested on the last day of school before summer break. The sixteen year olds are hauled to Aster City Correctional Facility.

As part of a deal with the state to avoid trial, Keela and Geela pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter.

Naylah Concolor's final moments must have been horrible, being killed by her own daughters. The girls hit her over the head with a pot, stabbed her with a kitchen knife, choked her with the ribbon of a medal, then dragging her body to the tub where they left her to die. 

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