Ima Coward

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Ima Coward was always afraid, easily cowed, easily bullied

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Ima Coward was always afraid, easily cowed, easily bullied. Ima's whole life was one of defeat and submission, he was even cruelly saddled with a girl's name by parents who found their own runt of a grey wolf child distasteful. Ima had grey fur on his face and brown fur on his ears. Ima's fur below the next was completely pure white but he had a fat yellow belly and a yellow streak of fur running down his back. All his life Ima sought to overcome his pitiful physique and inherent cowardliness. To this end he even tried enrolling in the military. Ima was unfit for military duty given his lack of physical ability but he did have a keen mind for statistics and was given a desk position. Like all military personnel he was given a background check, fingerprinted and even had his DNA taken. An anomaly was noted in Ima's genes, it was revealed that he had the genetic potential for super abilities. The offer was made for him to undergo genetic enhancement with other military men and women and Ima jumped at the chance, dreaming of becoming a brave and powerful super soldier. Ima's genetic potential was released and he was gifted with the ability to move at super speed. Unfortunately this elevated Ima's fear potential making his powers tie into his native timid nature. In effect the more afraid he is, the faster he becomes. Considered a failure, Ima became a supervillain.

Having no other talents or skills, Ima sought to conquer the world through fear.

Ima's speech goes, "Listen up all you people of Aster City. Foxes, felines, rats, lizards? They're all out plotting to destroy our way of life, are we gonna let 'em? It is important for all wolves to unify against these dire threats...for as individuals we are but weak and worthless. Our collective mind can fight better, in the great war against our eternal enemies. The stronger we will become. The damned pussies and scalescum are conniving, scheming, all trying to take down our species, our children, and our wives. They seek to replace all of us and multiply, it is in our defense the holy forces of the Legion fight. Fear not, though the threats against the wolf species are dire. I will do good to rid Aster City, this place, of felines, thinking they can escape their masters who know best for 'em. I'll rid Aster City of foxes, those silver-tongued tricksters who kill and destroy from the day they are born. I'll rid Aster City of the disease-ridden rats, who contribute nothing but the reptile-engineered plagues onto this town. And I'll work to make sure they never harm another wolf. All of them out, plundering', stabbing out folks and raping our kin. This city has truly degenerated. You want to see any of them bring destruction to our lands? To our species? To rape our spouses?"

The wolves in the crowd of Legion members pump their fists in their air and shout out loud angrily.

"YEA! YEA! KILL EM ALL!" Ima shouts then says, "Tomorrow, we start our expedition and make our march north."

Maxine, the yellow-eyed female Tasmanian Devil wearing a white tank top and blue jeans with a brown belts approaches then asks Ima, "Why don't you tell them about the woman you ran over at a rally a few years ago?"

The previously charismatic and domineering Legion party politician begins to stumble his words and look very worried at the sight of Maxine.

"The...the rally. I don't know what rally you are talking about, don't listen to...her. Folks...Folks...this is just more of those progressive lies they tell about us....the kind they get to..."

"You should be ashamed. The truth is that your party is built on a foundation of white lies and speciesism," Maxine says.

"Why, why, I, uh, why, uh..." Ima stutters.

Most of the crowd, the ones who are not Legion members, then begins to disperse after Maxine's statements, a lot of them in a look of disgust, many others in confusion

"Messing up our rallies," Ima mutters to himself.

Ima says to Maxine, "Listen here, I'd kill as much as you fucks as possible, with no remorse, and when my party wins seats in the next mayoral election, we gladly will. I killed some of your friends? I'll gladly do so again, and with you too."

Maxine grabs Ima by the collar and begins repeatedly punching him in the snout before hitting a right hook causing blood to spray out of his mouth.

Maxine starts staring down at Ima and asks with a laugh, "You smell like shit. Did you shit yourself?"

Ima looks terrified at the sight of Maxine, seeing this fiendish monster staring at him and laughing at him is a sheer horror to him, and perhaps he did.

Ima gets up to run with his super speed but Maxine punches him, dropping Ima to the floor. Maxine stands on his back with one foot, lights a cigarette before she puts a paw in her blue jeans pocket as the other rests on her knee.

The Legion leaves. 

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