Brogan Rex

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"An obsession for women's undergarments and shoes combined with a thirst for murder, today we discussed The Lust Killer, Brogan Rex. Let's open the serial killer file."

"Brogan Rex was born in Aster City on January 31st, 1985, being the youngest of two shoebill boys, Brogan was neglected at an early age. His mother had desired a daughter. Despite her high hopes she had instead given birth to Brogan, completely displeased with welcoming a second son into the family, she belittled and psychologically abused him on a daily basis throughout his childhood. At a young age Brogan began to freely explore his sexual interests. Brogan was just five years old when he began to indulge in his perpetual fetish for women's shoes after finding a pair of high heels while wandering his local junkyard. Wearing the shoes back home, his mother found him and was enraged. She began scolding him repeatedly until she had no further choice but to dispose of his newly loved possession, this triggered an undying desire to collect women's shoes as well as women's underwear without his family's knowledge. No matter how old the female victim was, he took every chance he could to steal their most intimate belongings. It was speculated that he had attempted to steal the shoes off his first grade teacher's feet and began to steal underwear from women around his neighborhood. Due to the abnormal behavior he displayed as a child, his age, Brogan was sent off to mental hospitals for psychotherapy in hopes of eliminating his fetishes. Despite his frequent hospital visits, Brogan's behavior just continued to escalate. Following into his adolescent years, Brogan changed his approach by stalking women in his town. At just the right opportunity, Brogan would knock down his target, begin to strangle the victim until they fell unconscious. He would then steal their shoes and flee from the scene leaving the victim with no solid evidence pointing towards him. This continued to be his way of getting what he wanted until suffocation no longer satisfied him. At the age of seventeen, he went on to abduct a young woman and had threatened to stab her to death unless she agreed to follow each of his sexual demands, in fear the woman was forced to strip naked while Brogan began taking photos of her, his fantasies were abruptly cut short however when he was caught and immediately arrested for his action. Brogan once again underwent psychiatric evaluation and was diagnosed with schizophrenia at Pillbox Medical Center in 2002. During his nine-month evaluation, Brogan began to obsess over sexual fantasies that revolved around his pure hatred towards women, specifically his own mother. Despite his record of violence, he was deemed safe enough to continue his high school education and eventually graduated from Aster City High School in 2003. In an attempt at restarting his life, Brogan attended college at Aster City Electronic Technology College to become an electronics technician, within a few years of studying Brogan began to suppress his fetishes towards women, ultimately keeping himself off the radar from police or doctors for a short amount of time. Once appearing to have his life put together, he met seventeen year old shoebill Diadora Max. The two instantly connected and began dating though Diadora's parents did not approve of the relationship, the two were married just a few months later in 2007. Without hesitation the two eventually settled down in the suburbs of Aster City. This is where Diadora began to learn far more than she could have ever imagined about her husband. Upon their move to the suburbs, Brogan began to experience unusual blackouts which were later accompanied by unsettling migraines. After much realization, Brogan found that suppressing his dark sexual desires only worsened his condition. He found that his only solution was to continue his old habits of breaking into houses in order to collect shoes and underwear from female residents. Without his wife's knowledge, Brogan went on to satisfy his needs however this did not subdue his desires in the daytime as he began making Diadora walk in heels while nude inside of their house as he took pictures. Diadora was open to accepting his interest but eventually rejected him when he approached her while wearing nothing but women's underwear. Though it was an unusual marriage right from the start, Diadora did eventually give birth to two children named Taylor and Jordan Rex. Problems began to arise between Brogan and Diadora. The couple were no longer intimate with each other after she entered Brogan's garage workshop and discovered images he had taken of nude women. The workshop was off-limits to everyone in the household. The only way family members could reach Brogan went inside was through an intercom system hooked up to the door of the workshop. With a failing marriage, he began looking for alternate that went above and beyond anything he had ever done to satisfy his sexual demands. On the 26th of January, Brogan met a nineteen year old saleswoman who went door-to-door, making a profit on selling encyclopedias. It would unknowingly be her final sale when she made a visit to Brogan's house appearing to be interested in her products, Brogan led her into the workshop before she could react Brogan began bludgeoning and strangling the woman to death. He then proceeded to use her body as a model that he would change into women's undergarments. Brogan then went on to remove her feet which were used to wear various high heels and her breasts were cut off and used as molds for paperweights. The woman's body was later dumped in a nearby river. It would be another year before Brogan would consider taking another life to satisfy his darkest desires. On November 25th, 2014, a twenty three year old woman was driving back home for the holidays when her car broke down. In need of help, she caught the eye of Brogan. Brogan obliged to pull over and help the young woman, however, things took a quick turn for the worse when he began strangling her to death. Before disposing of her, he had sex with a lifeless body in her vehicle before driving it back to his workshop. He continued to sexually violate the body for several days until cutting off both breasts as his own personal trophy. The woman's body was left in the Aster City River. On March 27th, 2015, Brogan struck his third victim, a nineteen year old, a University of Aster City student who was abducted while waiting to meet up with her mother for lunch. She was last seen at the parking lot in downtown Aster City before she was forced to get into Brogan's car at gunpoint. The student was driven and taken into the workshop where he forced her to strip naked and wear his collection of women's underwear as he took pictures. Brogan proceeded to rape the student until he finally hung her from a hook attached to the ceiling. He completed his ritual by violating the corpse, cutting off both breasts, and disposing the body in the same exact river as the second woman. Concern began to arise around San Andreas as women were reported missing. Brogan's final known kill would be a nineteen year old who was out shopping at the shopping center just before she was abducted in the mall parking lot. Killing became a natural routine for Brogan as he would take the same steps in photo the victims raping, strangling, and violating the bodies before taking his prized possession from each woman. The victim's body was also placed in the Aster City River. A local university student tipped police in describing a tall man with blue feathers that frequently attempted to communicate and meet up with female students on campus. The bodies of two victims were both discovered between April and May of 2015. Each body was weighed down with heavy auto parts which were individually tied with unusual knots. With leads pointing towards Brogan as a prime suspect, police were able to request a search warrant for his house in hopes of catching a break in the investigations. Everything that appeared to be normal until they made their gruesome discovery of women's clothing, barbed wire, rope, and images of victims on display inside of the hidden workshop. Brogan was apprehended on June 3rd on three counts of murder, however, he later confessed to all of his murders in detail while interrogated. After interrogation with police, Brogan was able to identify the whereabouts of the broken car victim's body. She had been tied to a piece of railroad iron nearby. During the trial Judge Richter Soma sentenced Brogan to three consecutive life sentences though he had confessed to the murders, he was not prosecuted for the murder of one of the victim's as her remains were never recovered. For the remainder of his life Brogan served his time in the Aster City Correctional Facility. Diadora filed for divorce in 2014 and legally changed her name. She eventually obtained a court order which prohibited her children from ever visiting or writing their father for safety purposes. Brogan Rex died in Aster City Correctional Facility on March 28th, 2022 at the age of thirty-seven from liver cancer."

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