Cheri Blonde

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"Cheri met a guy named Keith Blonde in middle school when she was in the eighth grade and he was in the seventh. They both had a crush on each other and spent a fair chunk of their time writing each other love letters encapsulating their pre-teen love and notes that they would send back and forth. After a bit, Cheri and Keith would be each other's first kiss. But they were young and after Cheri went to high school, they lost touch. While in high school, Cheri played volleyball and took an interest in theater. She was a great student and most who knew her thought the world of her. She was one of the people who seemed to just have everything together at a young age and many saw her as perfect. After high school, she married a man named David. David was a platoon sergeant with the armed forces, which left Cheri on her own a lot of the time. Because of that unfortunately, the pair's marriage didn't last long with them divorcing. Cheri rekindled her middle school romance with Keith. After a couple of years together, Keith proposed and they began to plan their lives together."

"When Cheri was eighteen, Cheri's father had filed a complaint that Cheri had burglarized his home and had vandalized his property. Her sister claimed that she kicked in the back door attempting to get in but was unsuccessful at stealing anything. Three years after these claims by her father and her sister, when Cheri was twenty-one, the cops were called again when Cheri used her father's card at ATM to withdraw an unknown amount of money from his account. Cheri claims she just mixed up the cards but her father claims she shouldn't even had access to his cards, regardless, her father dropped the charges." 

"Cheri posted on a bird supremacist forum posting a story about coyote girls bullying her father and her. While the post is mostly fictitious and reads like it belongs to r/thathappened, some of it correlates to her real life such as playing volleyball and getting good grades." 

"The day of November 2nd, 2016. According to Keith, it was a day like any other.  He had gotten up in the morning, gotten dressed, and kissed his wife goodbye before going to work at Best Buy. Cheri had an average day planned for herself and the kids. She had dropped off her two kids at daycare, come home, and get herself ready to do a run as she was training to do a 5k on Thanksgiving. She texted Keith around afternoon, asking if he would be coming home for lunch which he replied no to, and then set out on her run. At which point, she vanished. When Keith came back home from work, he didn't immediately notice anything was wrong. Cheri's car was still in the driveway and though the house seemed dark, he fully expected Cheri and the kids to greet him the moment he entered as they always did but when he opened the door, he found the house was empty. He got a sinking feeling. He quickly moved about the house looking for Cheri and calling out for the kids, but they didn't answer. Trying his best to keep his composure, he called the daycare and was informed that Cheri had never picked up the kids. Something that was completely out of the ordinary for her. There was no way she would just forget or leave them there. Keith was beginning to panic, he knew that something was wrong and when Cheri didn't answer her phone, he decided to utilize the FindMyPhone app. According to the app, her phone was just a mile away at their mailbox and without a moment to spare, he rushed over, hoping she would be there. But when he got to the spot where it said her phone was, there was nothing. Keith didn't see Cheri. But after looking for a short time, he came upon her phone as well as her headphones, lying on the ground as if they were delicately placed there. Immediately, he knew something terrible had happened, and after taking a picture of her phone and how he found it, he called the police to state that she was missing."

"Immediately this kidnapping case sparked wide media attention across the United States. Cheri's pictures and missing person's posters were plastered everywhere. This case had a number of factors going for it when it came down to the attention it received from the media. Cheri was an active, beautiful swan woman that lived a comfortable live with her loving husband. She was an upstanding citizen that seemed to vanish in thin air and just before Thanksgiving. From the moment the police got on the case, they felt as if something didn't feel right. They first took notice of just how perfectly staged Cheri's phone seemed to be. In most cases of abduction, a person's phone will either be thrown by the abductor while leaving the scene or dropped during the ambush by the abductee. But from how delicately placed it was, it felt like it had been left there by someone who was coming back. As if someone just pulled off their headphones, put their phone down, and walked away. The cops then turned their attention to Keith. In most cases where a person is kidnapped and held against their will, it tends to be that person's spouse. And being that he found the phone so neatly on the ground, the cops started questioning him. They brought Keith in for multiple interrogations going over Cheri and his home life, her past relationships, and everything. On the night of November 8th, he took a polygraph test and passed with flying colors. And with that, Keith was ruled out completely. As November rolled on, it was clear that the investigation wasn't going well but Keith wasn't about to give up, far from it in fact. He began to make regular appearances on the news and in the media, striving to keep her face and her story in the public consciousness but it seemed like he would be in the front of the media, more and more people would begin to distrust his story."

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