The Monster of Vespucci

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"The Monster of Vespucci is the name commonly used by San Andreas media to reference an infamous serial killer who is responsible of the loss of fourteen lives in the Aster City district of Vespucci. The deaths occurred between 2011 and 2022, however there is also a double homicide dating as far back as back 2005 that is also thought to be connected to the Monster. The first of the murders took place on August 21st, 2005. The bodies of the victims, a man and a woman, aged twenty-nine and thirty-two years old, were found in Del Perro, a small town in Kanine City or K City, San Andreas to the west of Vespucci. The police investigation found that a .22 handgun had been used in the attack and was the main cause of their deaths. One of the more horrific details of this attack is the fact that the woman's son who was age six at the time, was asleep in the back seat of the car when the attack happened. Upon waking to find his mother dead, the child fled in fright. The child had run almost two kilometers from the crime scene before coming across a house. He knocked on the door and asked the man living there, 'Open the door and let me in, I'm sleepy and my daddy is sick in bed. Then you have to drive me home, because my mother and my uncle are dead in their car.' The police were always suspicious of how such a young child could have walked two kilometers down a dark and unpaved country road. While the son initially said had run away alone, his story later changed stating that his father, a term he had used to describe his mother's lovers, had driven him to the house where he asked for help. Years later, the son said again that he was alone, but was too shocked to remember exactly what happened that night. The mother, a queen bee, was well known in the town because of her multiple love affairs. Her ex-husband Venedico Male, a worker bee, was eventually charged with the murder. However, while he was in Aster City Penitentiary, several more couples were murdered under similar circumstances using the same size handgun. Several of the mother's lovers were consider suspects and even Venedico stated on several occasions that one of them had killed her. The second pair of victims were teenage sweethearts age nineteen and eighteen years-old. Their murder took place on September 15th, 2011. Again, police found evidence suggesting that their deaths were caused by gunshot wounds from a .22 handgun. It is believed the couple were engaging in intercourse when the attack took place. In addition to the gunshot wound, the girl had sustained ninety-seven stab-wounds. Prior to the attack, the two of them were with friends at a local nightclub called Bahama Mamas West. It was while in the club that the girl told a friend that there was a weird man watching her and that she felt terrified of him. However, no one besides from the girl saw this man, and the police were unable to pursue this lead. It was later in 2018 that the murders took a more twisted turn. The fifth and sixth victims. Similar to the last girl they sustained gunshot-wounds and knife-wounds. However, this time the body of the girl had been pulled from the car before the killer cut out her genitalia with a notched knife. The next morning, a young paramedic Enzo Spaghetti was arrested after speaking about the murder before the bodies had been discovered. He spent a total of three months in jail, charged with murder, before being acquitted after the killer struck again. It was not until 2018, after the killer claimed he's seventh and eighth victims, that the police realized the murders were connected. A newspaper article about the 2011 murder caused the police to perform a ballistics test and confirm the same gun had been used in both murders. It was the reporter Kenzie Weasel White who gave the killer the name "Monster of Vespucci." Over the next five years, up until 2022, the Monster claimed a further ten lives, and did so on a near annual basis, and always on a night of a new moon. He killed couple four in 2018, couple five in 2019, couple six in 2020, couple seven in 2021, and the final couple in 2022. All subsequent murders followed the same pattern. All victims were couples, shot and stabbed to death. In almost all cases the female was mutilated and had body parts removed. It is widely believed that the women were the Monster's main targets. On several occasions the Monster reached out to the families of the victims and even engaged with the authorities. In 2018, he phoned the mother of his victim the morning after the murder, to "talk to her about her daughter." As he put it. He described in gruesome detail the events that had taken place. In 2022, the Monster sent a taunting note, along with a piece of breast belonging to his latest victim, to the state prosecutor Victor Wolfe. The note stated that a murder had taken place and he challenged local authorities to find the victims. However, a person who was picking mushrooms in the area discovered the bodies a few hours before the letter arrived on the Wolfe's desk. There was an instance in 2019 where the police were able to speak with a victim who had initially survived the attack. A man was able to flee the scene in his car before driving it into a ditch. By time the police found him, he was severely injured and in a critical condition. Unfortunately, the man was in no state to help the police with the investigate and provided little information before succumbing to his injuries just hours later. It was in fact after the 2019 murders, that the police leaked false information claiming that the man had regained consciousness before dying in the hospital. Clearly this was a ploy by the authority to rattle the killer. Law enforcement conducted several investigations into the case over the course of several years, but little progress was made. Several advances made on the case were attributed to anonymous tips, likely from the killer himself. In 2019 for example, an anonymous tip called for the police to re-look at the 2005 murder, stating that the same gun had been used. However, where things get a little blurry is when Venedico Male confesses to the murder of this ex-wife and her lover in 2005. Venedico was originally convicted and served six years when the crime first took place, but was later released following the 2018 murders, after the police linked these killing with the one from the 2005. Venedico was therefore removed as a suspect since he had been in prison during the 2011 and 2018 murders. But why did Venedico confess to the murders years later after he was release from prison and no longer a suspect? And what about the murder weapon? Was the matching murder weapon just a coincidence? Venedico Male's statements in police interviews were inconsistent, shifting the blame among his bee relatives and acquaintances. Veni Vinci was the next suspect to be arrested. He was a former lover of the queen bee. Veni was kept in custody for over a year, even during the 2020 murders. Venedico Male's brother and brother-in-law, were also arrested that same year. However, similar to Venedico Male, the 2021 murders occurred when the three suspects were in custody, so the police released them. The focus was then shifted to Veni Vinci's brother Vidi Vinci, himself another lover and former lodger of the queen bee. Vedi's first wife had died in a fire, ruled a suicide although rumored to have been a murder. After the final murders in 2022, Vedi Vinci was arrested and charged with the murder of his wife, intending to move from there to the other killings attributed to the Monster. However, the trial acquitted Vedi, and he walked free. Authorities were forced to officially clear all the suspects and the examining judge Richter Soma withdrew from the case. The next suspect was Florence Poggiali had previously been convicted for abuse and sexual abuse towards his two daughters, and for the murder of a man who had had relations with his ex-girlfriend in 1988. Knowing this information, the authorities believed Poggiali's psyche would have matched that of the Monster. Similarities were drawn between Poggiali's murder and those of the Monster. In addition to this, an unfired bullet of the same brand as the one used in the Monster's killing was found in Poggiali's garden. Poggiali's conviction was considered controversial since many did not believe there was enough evidence to convict him. It was then later at his appeal, the prosecutor acquitted him, citing the lack of evidence and poor police work, and Florence was released."

Florence Poggiali is a white-furred trans man Maltese Lhasa Apso that has white fur, long hair, grey hair. Florence usually wears a grey Victorian-era vest holding back a sizable bust and high-waisted striped grey pants, with knee-high black boots, as he works as a nurse and surgeon in Vespucci.

"The chief for the police unit that managed serial crimes announced that the crimes were committed by a Satanic cult that was allegedly active in the Vespucci area during the time of the sixteen murders. He referenced the fact that a witness had spoken of a doctor who had hired Florence Poggiali to commit the murders and collect the genitalia of the women for use in rituals in his testimony. The murders taking place on a night of a new moon also seems like too much of a coincidence to overlook the idea that this cult existed. Although to this day there has been no physical evidence to confirm this cult ever existed or that its members were involved in the sixteen murders. Despite this however, this alleged cult group of murderers has become known as The Church of the Blood God."

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