The Unsolved Disappearance of Sweetie Kelvin

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"Sweetie Kelvin, known to her family and peers simply as Sweetie, was a curious, empathetic, and sensitive young girl. Her deep-rooted love for family, school activities, and innocent youthful passion for basketball was cut short by an unexplainable, unsolved disappearance in the early morning hours of Valentine's Day, 2000, leaving all who knew her across her hometown of Shelby, North Carolina grasping for answers in a sea of evidence that drowned us all in doubt. As I hope to provide more substantial reasoning built upon observable evidence and situational analysis, this is an examination of the disappearance of Sweetie Kelvin and the trail of clues near the woods along state highway, NC 180. This is Mystery Unsolved Inc True Crime."

"On February 14th, 1988, a Valentine's Day full of endless joy, the energy of true love and excitement for the future saw the happy couple of Harry and Tequila Kelvin get married. Two years later on August 5th, 1990, the husband and wife gave birth to a little bird girl, Sweetie. And soon, the couple became a family of four, adding a baby boy named Bryan. The Kelvins stuck to their roots in Shelby, North Carolina, and blossomed as a close-knit family in a cozy residential home in the northern rural area the state west of Charlotte. Both Harry and Tequila worked regular daytime jobs, making Sweetie and Bryan latchkey kids once they reached the age to attend school. This youthful independence didn't deter the children, however. And the Kelvin parents were one hundred percent comfortable in trusting the Fallston Elementary School's efforts to return their son and daughter safely home. Sweetie, specifically, understood the security needed to navigate afterschool loneliness and was wary of strangers even as a toddler. From kindergarten onwards, Harry and Tequila knew their children would be at home completing homework or chores when they returned from their respective workplaces. As Sweetie's mind flourished in an educational environment, so did her interests and personalities. While she spent a bulk of her free time at home, she did involve herself in extracurricular activities at Fallston, joining the local youth basketball league. Through patience, teamwork, and an innocently competitive spirit, Sweetie quickly developed into a star point guard for her age, and she often lifted her teammates to greatness. In fact, two days before her disappearance, Sweetie played in a league basketball game. Her team was undefeated at the time but suffered their first loss the day after Sweetie fouled out of the game. Because of Sweetie's competitive fire and love for her teammates, she and the other girls cried as a result, but quickly mustered their resolve soon after and supported Bryan in his own basketball game. It was a perfect example of Sweetie's skill, passion, and sympathy. Despite her academic and athletic duality, Sweetie was still quite reserved back at home. Her mother and father were quite suspicious at the world back in the late 1990s and the effects new technology, specifically the internet, had on young children's developing brains. Thus the couple decided to focus raising their son and daughter mostly around the extended family, their church community, and local schools instead on the electronic atmosphere. As a byproduct of these methods, the Kelvin household did not include a computer. The mother, Tequila, reasoned that at the time, the nightly news seemed to have daily stories about pedophiles coaxing young minds via the internet. Nevertheless, Sweetie didn't mind the lack of technology, already cautious by nature and shy in bigger social climates. She was more than okay with settling within the parameters of her parents' close watch and never strayed far from good behavior. It was this simple, if not hypersecure, way of living that made Sweetie's disappearance that much more puzzling. She showed zero signs of disturbance or inclination to up and leave. Her intense fear of dogs led her parents to believe she didn't even like leaving the house in general when it could be avoided."

"Regardless, when Harry and Tequila woke up to celebrate their twelfth-year anniversary in marriage, the joy, love, and excitement from 1983 was replaced with trepidation, mystery, and helpless terror. On Valentine's Day, 2000, Sweetie Kelvin vanished."

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