Diavolo Dopplio

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Diavolo kept calling the police on her husband Herman Dopplio that he was a drug addict, planting drugs in his car, trying to get him sent to prison. Diavolo called one of her ex-boyfriends to pose as a lawyer over the phone, her ex-boyfriend convinced Herman to sign over the house to her.

Diavolo called another ex-boyfriend to hire a hitman on Herman. The ex-boyfriend contacted the police. Clyde Joyner, undercover as a hitman, meets with Diavolo. Diavolo brings money and hands it over. Diavolo said she was 5,000% sure that she wanted Herman to be dead.

On the morning of the 'hit', Diavolo gets up, goes to the gym, and the police inform Herman that Diavolo put a 'hit' on him.

The police set up a fake crime scene and called Diavolo. Diavolo drives home and runs up to the police. The police inform Diavolo that Herman is 'dead'

The police bring Diavolo to the police station and put her into an interrogation room. The police bring in Clyde Joyner, still undercover as a hitman, and ask Diavolo if she knows that man. Diavolo denies knowing 'the hitman' and the police ask 'the hitman' why he was coming out of her house before removing him from the room. The police reveal that they know Diavolo solicited first-degree murder.

Diavolo called Herman from prison and tried to gaslight him. Diavolo called her mother from prison for two minutes and twenty-one seconds.

Diavolo's defense is that it was a reality TV show pilot for her, Herman, and her ex-boyfriend. Diavolo's mother begs the jury to show her daughter mercy. 

Diavolo Dopplio was found guilty, was sentenced to twenty years, but got a mistrial due to jury selection.

Diavolo Dopplio's second trial ended in a hung jury.

Diavolo Dopplio was found guilty, was sentenced to sixteen years in Aster City Correctional Facility.

A judge has denied Diavolo's fourth trial. 

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