Ed Daworld

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Ed Daworld's first murders would be on May 7th, 1972, both were students at a state college. In the 1970's it was fairly safe to hitchhike but it would be unlucky for the students he would offer a ride. The man name was Edward Emil Edgler Vess Daworld. Now it would be that hitchhiking would now be dangerous. Both women would be held at gunpoint and driven to a canyon where they were stabbed to death. A fifteen year old high school student, he would drive her to the nearby mountains and suffocated her til dead and committed necrophilia and took her body home to decapitate her. Then the fourth victim, he would shoot her then abuse her body, he would cut her up and throw the remains over the cliff. His fifth and six victim picked up by Daworld, would both be shot while in his car and took the bodies home. He would dump body parts in the canyon, they were found a week later. Daworld's mother being at his home made killing difficult so he killed her after he crushed her skull and then decapitated her. He then killed his mother's friend. He beat and strangled her. Daworld called the police and confessed to the killings and was not believed but eventually his claims were investigated and he would be arrested and face eleven counts of murder and found guilty and sentenced to life in Aster City Correctional Facility.

"In the 1970's, one six-foot, nine-inch tall blue heeler man named Edward Daworld towered over his peers, and most considered him to be a gentle giant. No one in his life could have imagined that he murdered six teenage girls hitchhiking through Aster City, San Andreas, or that he would finally turn his rage on his own mother. No one in Daworld's life ever got any bad vibes, and he didn't show many signs that there was anything wrong. He actually had a genius IQ, and he was the kind of person you could imagine having an fascinating conversation with over a cup of coffee. He was so likeable, indeed, that no one would have ever guess that he could be capable of killing a total of eleven people and defiling their corpses. He covered his tracks so thoroughly, that he would have never been caught, either...Until he picked up a payphone and turned himself in."

"Edward Daworld was born December 18th, in 1948 in O City, San Andreas. He was a very sensitive and intelligent boy. Like many families at that time, Ed's parents grew their own vegetables in the backyard. Ed idolized his father, and he loved to spend time with his friends. He played games with them in the backyard. His mother was quick to reprimand and discipline him, so he was a very well-behaved child. He had two sisters- one older, and one younger, who received more of the love and attention from his mother. Ed was still in primary school when his friend died in a farming accident. That night, he got on his bike and rode as far away as he could, but he would find that there was no escape. His father would force him to get over his sensitivity of watching people died. As time went on, he grew numb to the blood and the beheadings, and learned to accept it as part of life. Ed later went on to kill a cat friend. His parents got a divorce when he was nine years old, but his mother was so bitter, that she began to take all of her hatred out on Ed. She said that all men were worthless, and she began to treat Ed far worse than his sisters, simply because he was a boy. She moved them to Montana, and got remarried. The second marriage did not work out either, and she went through a string of boyfriends that never lasted as a positive male role model in his life. As a child being raised by a now-single mother, they did not have a lot of toys, so they would use their imagination, instead. Ed read a lot of books from the library, and including horrific stories from history about the Vikings and the Holocaust. He suggested that he and his younger sisters should play a game called 'the gas chamber'. They tied each other up in a chair just to see who could get themselves out of bondage the quickest, pretending that they were stuck in a room filling up with deadly gas. His mother and sisters had bedrooms upstairs, and Ed had once slept a bedroom upstairs, as well, but his mother decided to move his bedroom down to the basement. She was convinced that he would hurt his sisters. Instead of a bed, he had to sleep on a cot with a sleeping bag, with only a single light bulb hanging from a string. It was damp, cold, and frightening. According to him, he interpreted that his mother had a deeper meaning behind her actions. 'Why am I going to the basement? I'm going to Hell. They're going to Heaven.'"

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