Garrett Amon-Gus

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The Amon-Gus family lives in a picturesque house in San Andreas with nice palm trees, a great yard, and a big house. The family starts with Chad and Stacey Amon-Gus, fifty-nine and sixty-one. Chad, his father was a pharmacist and he's a pharmacist and has worked like twelve hours a day for like thirty years at Betta Life Pharmaceuticals in order to provide for his family, to set himself up for retirement. He hated it. But it didn't matter if he hated it, it was to set him and his family up so they can be comfortable, so he can retire. They had bought a cabin in a rural area a couple hours away and the plan was to work a couple more years and retire there with his wife Stacey. His wife Stacey, she wasn't able to finish her education, she was able to rise up in a medical transcription business, making from thirty-five grand to almost ninety grand. Stacey and Chad's two sons are Kyle and Garrett. So Kyle is technically the middle son if you include the half and Garrett. Kyle and Garrett are just brothers through and through and they're pretty inseparable. They enjoy the same type of things. Kyle is more like his dad, just able to really grind it out. Garrett is kinda a momma's boy. His mom let's him get away with everything, any shortcoming he has, any failure he has, his mom is right there to pick up the pieces, to smooth it over, to say it's okay. Chad, the dad, starts to resent the mom because of that. Kyle and Garrett both decided they were going to go to nursing school. Chad the dad was all for it. So they went to nursing school together and both of them started working as nurses at Pillbox Medical Center. Garrett worked the bare minimum, he worked three twelve-hour shifts a week and made somewhere around fifty grand for that. They want to go to anesthesiology school which is nurse anesthesiology. The money is way better, it's a step above just a normal nurse. Both Kyle and Garrett start going to nurse anesthesiology school together. Again Chad is happy about this. In the summer of 2018, Garrett, he's kind of a small in stature anteater. And so he is going to anesthesiology school and he fails out. Kyle, the middle brother is still going to anesthesiology school but Garrett didn't make it. So he fails out of anesthesiology but it's not the end of the world because he's still a nurse, he still has all the certifications for that. Then on June 21st, 2018, in the middle of the night, someone at Pillbox Medical Center notices there's eight vials of propofol missing. Propofol is a drug they use to put people to sleep before surgery and to relax them before surgery. All this propofol is missing. The guy who could have taken it is a guy named Garrett Amon-Gus, a nurse. So they call Amon-Gus over. Garrett was fired and charged with grand theft. Kyle starts paying, while Garrett is not working, starts paying Garrett's bills. He pays eight thousand dollars for a lawyer for him to deal with the grand theft for the drugs that he stole. And any time Garrett needs any money, Kyle's right there, gives him his debit card. At some point during this time, Garrett meets Bobby, who is a unicorn webcam model. He would pay six hundred dollars for fix thousand. Garrett got totally obsess with Bobby the unicorn. Garrett is totally obsessed with her. He said it was ninety tokens a minute to hang out with this unicorn chick on a webcam. It's ninety tokens for one minute. It's six hundred dollars for five thousand dollars. So for six hundred dollars, he gets to hang out with this unicorn for just under an hour. He does about four hours a night of this, so he was racking up about twenty-four hundred dollars a night talking to Bobby the unicorn. He's never met her. She's never done anything for him. And he just pours money through an internet cable to her. He's lying about streaming on Twitch, he's stealing credit cards, he's stealing debit cards. No one really even knows it happened so fast and in a three month period, he spent all his dad Chad's retirement. He put a loan on the house. He spent thirty grand of his brother's money, spent ten of his mom's money. So in a three month period, he spent two hundred thousand dollars on Bobby the unicorn webcam woman. In order to get his brother lifted out of this depression hell, Kyle decides to pay for his brother to gon on vacation with them. He foots a ten thousand dollar bill so they go to Japan, they have the time of their life, they love it. He's still spending all this money on the unicorn. The tension in the family is so awful. Garrett leaves, walks out of the house. He ends up at his aunt's house. She slowly realizes that there's all these weird charges to a unicorn on all of her cards. And she calls the family, calls Chad and Stacey, and Chad essentially breaks down crying on the phone with his sister. And his sister said that she hadn't heard her brother cry in twenty-seven years. He's begging his sister to not press charges. Kyle says he'll pay, Kyle is a bottomless pit of money for his brother. Finally, they do an intervention. Garrett agrees to get some help. Guess who pays for it? His dear brother Kyle. He goes to this rehab, after a week or two, he gets out and Chad and Stacey pick him up, bring him to Vinnie's Pizzeria and Chad very understandably has a list of rules. Garrett doesn't follow it. He immediately figures out how to take his mom's phone, which she allows. And so the mom allows Garrett to use her phone to talk to the unicorn on Twitter. Somehow Chad the dad finds out about it and Garrett is sitting there on the couch. Chad grabs Garrett by the shirt and kicks him out. He sleeps in his car. The next morning he has a job interview so he goes and does his job interview, and then after the job interview, he bums around. Then he decides to get a hotel room. He gets a room. Stays there that night. Kyle's girlfriend gets a call from the hospital that Kyle didn't show up for work. The police do a wellness check on the house, they knock on the door, and sound an airhorn, finally a cop uses a knife to get into the house, and all three of them...Stacey, Chad, and Kyle have been shot in the head execution-style. Obviously the prime suspect in this becomes Garrett. They go and arrest him.

They take him into the interrogation room, he gets in there, they sit him in there for fifteen minutes, he's not curious. And so, the way for Garrett's strategy to work is he slowly needs to paint his dad as abusive and he needs to slowly paint his brother as the person that would always fix it for him. It's mind-blowing that after his brother supported him his whole life, he tries to pin this on his brother. If he paints his dad as this abusive kind of nutjob and paints his brother as 'I'll take care of it' then maybe he can paint himself as 'I was just kicked out, I don't know' then maybe have it so that his brother went back and then his dad and him got into a fight, that his brother shot his parents and then killed himself. That's the strategy. The cops, they let him go for a while, thinking that strategy is working. They know that Garrett knows something. They know this by a cellphone tower the day after the job interview, a cellphone tower puts Garrett very close to their house. Garrett goes on his story for an hour. The detective look at internet cellphone data and he searched 'Top news stories' and clicked on one about a shooting in the neighborhood and they know how long he was on that article.  

They bring in Garrett's brother James. James hugs Garrett. 

Garrett Amon-Gus is going for an appeal. 

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