Lucy Fletcher

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Lucy Fletcher is the sister of Felicity Fletcher.

"Lucy Fletcher grew up in the outskirts of Aster City in a town named Slaughter. This is the type of place where everybody knows everybody, and everyone else's business or so you'd think. So when Lucy Fletcher went missing for fifteen years, some neighbors had questions. But tragically, never took it any further. Lucy was the daughter of Murphy and Anna Fletcher who were described as pillars of their community. The family lived a fairly normal, church-going, middle-class life. When Lucy was nine years old, the Fletcher family moved into a quaint two-story home along a gravel cul-de-sac where Lucy made friends with the other kids around her age that lived in the neighborhood. Lucy attended school where she was described as extremely smart and sweet. She was the type of girl that was very welcoming to newcomers. She was also a member of the school volleyball team, and attended worship services at a baptist church in the nearby city. Lucy also had autism and at the ages around fourteen or fifteen, she had to be homeschooled due to increasing social anxiety, and as she grew, her neighbors started to notice that she wasn't the same happy or cheerful girl that she used to be, and she wasn't getting as mature as some of her peers. Lucy enjoyed activities geared towards a much younger audience and became enveloped in a world that involved kids movies and toys, while her former friends had developed more typical teenage interests such as cars, celebrity news, or dating. Due to their vast disparity and interests, a lot of her former friends sadly moved on and Lucy was left behind. The last time Lucy was seen in public was when she was about twenty-one years of age. Her neighbor who was a retired welder spotted Lucy walking around the neighborhood carrying a small set of weights. She appeared to be physically normal in terms of appearance, she was a thin mouse girl but she had always been thin so this wasn't concerning to the neighbor. In fact her neighbor had seen her exercising in the roadway on a few occasions so none of this was out of the ordinary at all. Now given how small of a town Slaughter, San Andreas is, it is reasonable to think that Lucy would have been seen again in passing eventually. However, the neighbor never saw Lucy again for a number of years. And so he questioned her father, Murphy Fletcher, about her whereabouts. He asked how Lucy was doing if she had gone off to college or gotten married or simply moved on from the small town like many before her had. Murphy advised his neighbor that she was fine and still around but he quickly changed the subject. With no reason to question her own father on his daughter's safety, the neighbor took Murphy Fletcher at his word. But still years had passed and he never saw Lucy again. It wasn't until this year, 2022, did the mystery of Lucy Fletcher's whereabouts finally come to a close. On January 3rd, 2022, around two in the morning, her mother Anna called 911 to report that her daughter wasn't breathing. However, sources indicate that there's a possibility that Anna wasn't calling on her own volition. According to the neighbor, another unnamed member of their neighborhood had spotted Lucy on the couch in Anna's home and told her and Murphy that they needed to call the police. The coroner Coroner Williams, a blue-eyed opossum man, was immediately called to the scene after a horrified sheriff's deputy reported back with their findings. What the first responders encountered in the otherwise innocuous home was the stuff of nightmares. Lucy Fletcher, now thirty-six years old, was dead. Her body was found partially clothed in an ill-fitting blue checkered top sitting upright and completely covered from head to toe in her own bodily waste. She was sitting cross-legged, the way most folks do when they want to get comfortable, her top lip was curled upward which exposed her teeth. She was infested with insects and covered with insect bites. Her hair had become all knotted and matted. Lucy was essentially fused to the couch. In fact, she had been in that position for so long she had begun to melt through the couch. While paramedics declared that Lucy had died at the scene, Coroner Williams determined that she had died twenty-four to forty-eight hours earlier due to her state of decomposition. However, due to the condition of her body, it was difficult to tell. Her backside was so black and deformed that you could barely discern what it was. The scene within the living room was so gruesome that even Coroner William, a seasoned coroner, was severely affected by the state that he found Lucy in. It was so bad that he has been quoted as stating that he could not eat and that he had crying fits for a full week. Autopsy reports indicated that Lucy's cause of death stemmed from severe medical neglect. This led to chronic malnutrition, acute starvation, immobility, acute ulcer formation, osteomyelitis which is a bone infection, and this finally resulted in sepsis. She was also reportedly suffering from bacterial infections and tested positive for COVID. She weighed ninety-six pounds at the time of her death and evidence led investigators to believe that Lucy had been on the couch for at least twelve years. Lucy's death was officially ruled as homicide due to severe neglect. But how did Lucy end up like this? Well according to reports, Lucy suffered from a Lockdown syndrome which is a rare neurological disorder in which there is complete system paralysis of all voluntary muscles except for the ones that control the movement of the eyes. Individuals with Locked-in syndrome are conscious and awake but they have no ability to produce movements or to speak. Lucy had essentially become a prisoner inside of her own body and was at the complete mercy of her parents who had appeared to have chosen to neglect her. In fact, Lucy hadn't seen a doctor in twenty years. When interviewed by police, the Fletchers advised them that they didn't bring their daughter to see a doctor because she did not want to go. In a strange juxtaposition to the state in which Lucy was found, the Fletcher home was surprisingly neat aside from the odor. Even the living room that she was found in was a bizarre scene, and was not what you'd expect to find outside of what's already been detailed here. Next to the couch was a gray commode and a neatly folded pile of laundry. In front of the couch was a black coffee table which sat bottles of lotion, talcum powder, packs of wipes, nasal spray, and other personal care items. Between the sofa and the coffee table were boxes of DVDs for Lucy to watch. So with all of this in mind, how on Earth did Lucy end up in the state in which she was found? The horror of Lucy's death shook the community as her parents didn't seem like the type of folks that had it in them to put their daughter through such a hellish existence. Anna was a police and court clerk in the nearby city of Backlot and more recently an assistant to the city prosecutor in Hell. She was also on Aster City's city council and she directly served the mayor. Murphy Fletcher was an officer of a non-profit. However, one of the biggest shockers to the Fletcher's friends and colleagues is that they actually didn't even know that she had a second daughter. On May 2nd, 2022, hundreds of graphic images of the scene of Lucy's death were shown to a grand jury in nearby Aster City, San Andreas which was during a closed-door hearing that the press was not allowed to attend. The violent photographs convinced the twelve-member committee to charge Anna and Murphy Fletcher with second-degree homicide, which carried a possible sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. Shortly after, the two were arrested and released after thirty-six hours on bond each. The two had not been brought to jail prior as they were not deemed a flight risk. Their trial is expected to start in October."

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