Peter Bergmann: The Man Who Never Existed

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"In June 2009, Brian Kinsella was training for a triathlon that's a swim followed by a bike ride followed by a run

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"In June 2009, Brian Kinsella was training for a triathlon that's a swim followed by a bike ride followed by a run. In the morning of June 16th, Brian was training in the waters off of Rosses Point in County Sligo, Ireland while his dad was walking back and forth on the beach behind him. Which at least that was their plan his training got cut short that day. Because right after he got into the water his father Arthur saw something through the fog, it looked like a mannequin maybe that somebody had left at the rocks at the back of the beach. A prank maybe that some kids were playing. But as the fog lifted he got a better look and of course it was not a mannequin, it was a human body."

"Arthur described the man as marble cold, he was tall, thin Caucasian with gray hair, no visible blood or sign of injury, lying face down in a patch of sand that had recently been covered by the tide. Arthur and Brian took a moment to pray over the body before they called the police."

"Around 6:45AM, Sergeant Terry McMahon from the Sligo Garda station arrived at the scene. First thing that he noticed was that there were no footprints around the body except for those of the Kinsellas, it looked like somebody had drowned out at sea and then been washed back in by the tide. Many reports would later claim that the body was naked but that's inaccurate. He was actually wearing a navy blue t-shirt and black brief style underwear. His shirt was tucked into the underwear and also as it was later discovered into a pair of blue, black, and purple stripes swim briefs worn inside the underwear. But no pants, oh, and a waterproof watch. The rest of his clothes were found on a nearby rock. A black leather jacket, navy chinos, and a black sleeveless vest all folded neatly in a pile. Beside them were a pair of black shoes, dark socks, and a black leather belt. What was missing was a wallet or a passport or any kind of identification."

"Assuming that it was just a local man who drowned out at sea, Sergeant McMahon covered the body and basically just waited for a family member to come and look for them, but that never happened..."

"And as they waited they started to notice some particularly weird things about this situation, not only did he not have a wallet or any kind of identification but all the tags had been torn out of the clothes."

"It was quickly becoming apparent that this was not just some local guy who went for a swim. This was somebody who went to great lengths to hide his identity and he did such a good job of it that to this very day we have no idea who this person was or where he came from."

"But this is what we do know."

"Four days earlier on June 12th at 6:52PM a man checked into the Sligo City Hotel under the name Peter Bergmann. He paid in cash for three nights at the hotel, sixty-five euro per night. He came by bus from Derry, Northern Ireland. Security cameras show on boarding the bus in Derry at 4PM and exiting in Sligo at 6:28. What they don't seem to show is how he got to Derry or anything about his life before that point. For all intents and purposes before that moment when he stepped onto a bus in Derry, Peter Bergmann...did not exist."

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