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My friend Donna died.

Her dead body was found here and there, in pieces.

They haven't found all of her yet, there were so many pieces!

"So horrid and they haven't caught anyone yet?" A short, white Pomeranian wearing a white apron over a light blue short dress and black circle glasses asks softly.

"As her teacher, I feel responsible. It happened after class..." Hugo Bart, Donna's teacher, says with a small bow.

In class


Dear God, I wish it were a dream.

"All of you must be tired from standing all day yesterday. I am shocked about what happened to Donna. Saddened and ashamed," Mr. Bart says solemnly with his eyes closed.

"I hear they don't have any clues on the killer yet. It must've been some psycho," Mr. Bart says.

"I'm told the killer might be still in town, hiding...girls be careful to not go out alone," Mr. Bart says with his eyes open.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Donna's a lesson. It's a fact of life. We have to accept it. Even though it hurts...Donna won't be back," Mr. Bart says with his head lowered.


Mr. Bart turns his head to the doorway.

"Sorry I'm late," Donna, the duck with pure white feathers and flowing black hair says from her orange beak. Donna is dressed in a black suit jacket with white undershirt and black tie like she was in a funeral home.


That day the rumors of Donna's attendance spread across the campus.

"Yeah, the freshman," one student says to another.

"The zombie schoolgirl, right?" The other student asks.

"There she is!" The one student exclaims when he sees Donna then says, "She's gorgeous. I don't care if she's undead. I still wanna go out with her."

"Unrequited zombie lover, huh," the other student says.


"Thedead," Mr. Bart calls out to Donna using her last name. Donna turns her head and says, "Teacher, I've been looking for you."

"Can you come to the night-duty room for a minute?" Mr. Bart asks. Mr. Bart leads Donna to the night-duty room.

"Tell me who are you? Are you Donna's twin?" Mr. Bart asks. Donna answers, "I'm an only child.'

"You're lying. Don't try to scare people like this," Mr. Bart says.

Donna lunges forward and hugs Mr. Bart.

"I love you teacher! We'll be together after I graduate, right?" Donna asks, Mr. Bart responds, "Donna! Let me go. Let me go!"

"For a ghost, she has legs," students murmur in the halls. "Who is she? Is she really Donna? Is she alive? No way! She was cut up into little pieces!"

"I'm confused. Why is she alive?" One student asks.

"If it really is her, we can get the truth, or at least get a likeness of the criminal," one student says.

"What? If it's really Donna, then those weren't her body parts. She's okay. We should be happy!" Another student exclaims.


"The student is alive?" One medical expert asks the other.

"But the dental records matched!" The other medical expert responds.

"I called the crime lab, but the parts they found were cremated." A glasses wearing medical expert with a mustache says to another.

"Hmm..." The other medical expert mutters. 

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