44 Days In Hell

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"This is the story of Donna Thedead. Widely considered one of the worst crimes ever committed in history."

"Donna Thedead was a young lady born in Backlot City, San Andreas. Her family consisted of a mother, father, an older brother, and a younger brother. She attended Aster City High School in Aster City, San Andreas while working part-time in a plastic molding factory after school. She was saving up for a big graduation trip she was planning. She was all set up to start working at an electronics store after she graduated. She was fairly popular and well-liked by her classmates. She had great grades and hardly ever absent. She was active, attractive, and attracted a lot of attention which made some people jealous. She didn't drink, she didn't smoke, and definitely never touched any drugs. This made her seem very lame in the eyes of the thugs around the school. One of the boys in the group was Student A. He actually developed a bit of a crush on her and wanted to get physical with her. He proposed this and she refused. Student A was a pretty big bully in this school, one of the only ones actually involved with the young member of the gangs at the time. Usually, nobody dared defy him. He couldn't believe that Donna had the gall to turn him down. Student A did not take this well at all, he couldn't believe that anyone would ever reject him. He took it as a complete and total insult. He got together with his wannabe gang buddies and they all hatched a plan to get revenge on Donna. They would get another one of their friends to attack Donna and then Student A would come to the rescue. After he won a bit of her trust, they could take her wherever they wanted. On November 25th of 2000, Donna was riding her bike home from her class when an unknown boy attacked her and knocked her off of her bike. Student A was conveniently across the street while the whole thing happened. He came to Donna's aid and scared off the random boy. He then offered to escort her home. Everything seemed to be going as planned. While Donna didn't actually trust him, it seemed better than the alternative of possibly being attacked again. She didn't have any idea that Student A harbored any sort of hatred towards her. She wouldn't have imagined that he would be planning anything like this. Student A took Donna into an abandoned warehouse and revealed his gang connections to her, he then took his time raping her over and over. Then he took her a hotel. In the phone he called his friends Student C and Student D. From then on, he and his three friends took turns assaulting her. Unfortunately this was not their first time doing this. As they had just recently done it to another girl in the past few weeks. They decided they were having far too much fun to just set her free again. There was also the possibility that she would call the cops and tell them what happened and they couldn't have that. The next morning, Student A took Donna into a nearby park where Student C, Student D, and a fourth boy Student B were waiting. They learned Donna's address and used it to threaten her, telling her that they would kill her entire family if she tried to get away. The four teenage boys then took her back Student A's parent's home where they continued to assault her. This is where for forty-two more days, she would be held prisoner. On the third day that Donna was missing, her parents were dealing with the police, trying to get her found. Knowing this would happen, the captors made her call her parents and tell them that she had run away and was staying with a friend safe and sound. She was forced to ask her mom to stop the investigation. They held Donna captive in the bedroom, forcing her to pose as one of the boy's girlfriend. It didn't take long for the parents to realize that this was a lie. Eventually they dropped the whole girlfriend act altogether as it was very clear that they weren't going to get in any trouble. Immediately after arriving at the home, the boys forced Donna into becoming their toy. They beat her relentlessly and raped her countless times a day, often taking turns. They were proud of what they were doing, regularly boasting to their friends that they had a woman trapped and ready for their personal use. They invited a load of their friends to come over and have their way with her. In the first few days, at least thirty of them raped her and at least a hundred knew of her imprisonment. Even women were invited to come see the spectacle. With a young girl even being invited to come over and see the prisoner who took a pen and doodled on her face. By the day seven mark, Donna had been already completely stripped of all her personhood. She was forced to be naked at all times and was constantly beaten and humiliated. They would shove her into the freezer for hours when they were bored with her. Only pulling her out when they wanted to assault her again. Student B's brother and parents were living in the same house that she was being held in. His brother did nothing aside from informing him that Donna might die at this rate. His parents were afraid to intervene as they had seen Student B's violent nature first hand. They also knew of his connections to a gang and feared of their possible retaliation and most disgustingly, they worried about losing their good reputation in the community."

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