Lucas and Sherry

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Lucas and Sherry would become a killer couple, who would have peculiar tastes and attitudes as serial killers. Lucas was born into a disruptive childhood and his mother was a waitress. Sherry would show no signs of deviancy as a young girl but she would change once she had become under the spell of Lucas. They would as a couple both share interest in sadosexual porn and an interest in the Nazis. Both would like sadist things. They had a friend who would become part of the murders and also be a witness to all the murders. The friend would witness to the murder of a boy, a guy Lucas had picked up and drove him to their home. This would be Lucas' last murder and he would attack the friend with an axe and it was a messy affair. After a sleepless night, the friend would then go to the police and they would arrive at the house to find the body of the boy was still in the home. He was dead. The trial started but more murders would be revealed. This was not Lucas' first murder but the last of many. More murders had happen before Lucas and Sherry had been arrested for the boy's murder. It would then come to light they had killed a twelve year old boy and a ten year old girl then both of their bodies had been dumped on a beach. They would go on to find the remains of the twelve year old boy. But the ten year old girl's remains would never be found. Both Lucas and Sherry would be arrested and charged. For the murders of both, sentenced to life in Aster City Correctional Facility and in Aster City Correctional Facility, Lucas confessed to two more murders but no bodies were ever found.

Sherry, a white-furred Pomeranian, was born Thursday July 23rd, 1942. Sherry began working as a typist secretary at an office where she met Lucas. Sherry wrote in a diary whenever Lucas looked at her or didn't look at her, spoke to her, or was in a bad mood. With her lover Lucas, Sherry took part in the abduction, sexual abuse, torture, and murder of five innocent children.

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