Jenny Carver

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Today's case takes place in Aster City, United States and we are talking about fifty-seven year old donkey Jackie Carver she was born in 1962 and she lived with her husband Duncan and their two daughters Hinny and Jenny. Hinny was the older of the two and she had a four-year-old son who Jackie loved to care for, to look after, this little boy was her life, she was a very cheery, outgoing, optimistic kind of person, very much beloved by everyone and her family pretty much was her life. A bit of an issue in Jackie's life was dealing with her daughter Jenny, the younger of the two. She had an IQ of what was dead between fifty-five and sixty. She was developmentally delayed and she had a condition known as intimate explosive rage disorder. She was also on the autism spectrum, she was known to explosive for rages for no particular reason. She had lots of issues surrounding pattern and fixation on different things and she was managed as well as could be by obviously her mum and dad Duncan and Jackie but when Jenny was eighteen, Jackie and Duncan separated and her older daughter Hinny at this time lived away from home with her son so Jackie was left with Jenny to be her twenty-four hour seven day a week carer. Jenny was the kind of girl who her disorder meant that she would fixate on particular things and one thing that Jenny fixated on was serial killers but Jenny would like to watch specific parts of the news and rewind them to watch gory scenes over and over again. And rather than be disgusted or frightened by these, she seemed to enjoy them. Her favorite that she watched relentlessly was Bobby Sawyer. And her mom did worry a little bit about this but a love of horrors or maybe violent video games has in the past, even particular music, heavy metal, has been blamed on things happening which we all know really is not the case but in this case the love of serial killers I think was just another sign of much deeper issues that Jenny was dealing with her own mental health. Jenny was also obsessed with pattern, fixating on particular numbers two, three, and five being her favorite. And she would put these in different patterns and repeat them until she would get phone numbers and she would repeatedly call these telephone numbers, would be quite vile on the phone to whoever was at the other end, if a particular person answered the phone she would fixate, she would make a note of that number and she would repeatedly call it. She was calling some individuals up to a hundred times a day and if they weren't particularly receptive to this and they maybe became a bit short, a bit short-tempered, she would explode in one of her infamous rages and would make threats to come and cut their head off to kill them. She told one person that she hoped he died of cancer, and she just would be particularly vile on the telephone to these people but this was all part of her psychiatric condition. So in 2018, Jenny was still very much making those phone calls but she started calling a local meat company and there was someone, a boar, that worked there by the name of Ramsey Fiery. She became fixated on his voice and she would call him repeatedly many, many, many, times a day and not only that she then managed to get access somehow to Ramsey's wife's telephone number and his sister-in-law's number and she would repeatedly call them and just be quite vile on the phone. She would threaten to cut their heads off and flush them down the toilet. Now Ramsey managed to get hold of Jackie, Jenny's mom's telephone number and he called her and he said this has to stop, she's calling my family member, she's making really horrible threats, you need to really get Jenny looked in to make this stop. So at this time, Jackie did actually start to look into psychiatric help for Jenny and over the years she had been seen by many doctors. She had been tried on much medication, she added many different kinds of treatment, and nothing really seemed to help. At this time, Jackie did get Jenny admitted to a psychiatric facility for nine days, and she was tried on many different medications but as soon as she was released, nine days later Jenny immediately stopped taking all of her medications and just went straight back to the Jenny sadly that everyone had come to know. So it's the 19th of July 2019 and Jenny again has got hold of an elderly man's telephone number and she's called him over forty times and he gets quite short and abrupt with her. This is the individual that Jenny says she hopes that he gets cancer and dies, and he is able to contact her mother and obviously when she finds out what Jenny's been saying again over the phone following her psychiatric treatment, she takes Jenny down to the local police station in the hope that the police can talk some sense into her and tell her that what she's doing is wrong, how she's frightening people, but all this does is enrages Jenny further that her mother has dared take her to the local police station. So it's the following day the 20th of July 2019 and Jenny is still not particularly happy with her mum from the day before, Jackie is looking after her four-year-old grandson this day. This is Hinny, her other daughter's son, and her neighbor-and-her friend from next door contacts her and says she's got really bad chest pains, could you possibly take me to the doctor, and of course being a good friend Jackie says not a problem, I've got my four-year-old grandson here, I just need to get him ready and we'll take you straight away. So as she's getting things together, getting her four-year-old ready, Jenny is just completely going off. Firstly, she's not happy that the fact that her mother has something else has taken her attention, she's jealous of her nephew, the four-year-old, and she's also doubly angry that now the neighbor is receiving attention. She starts to shout and yell abuse at the four-year-old, that it's his fault, that he's taken so long, and why does he even have to come anyway, can we not leave him behind, and obviously Jackie's trying to explain to her daughter, he's four, we can't leave him behind, he needs to be looked after. But Jenny very much never liked her mother's attention to be on anyone else. So they reach eventually the doctor's surgery and Jackie and Jenny proceed to have a very loud argument in the waiting room. Jenny has again gone off in a rage at her mother and her mother's very embarrassed and visibly looks embarrassed. People are walking away from the area that they're sitting in. Jenny is absolutely livid at her mother for being embarrassed, and Jenny also says that her mother embarrassed her in front of a young man that was in the waiting room for having this all in the first place, so things just from the day before with the visit to the police station, today taking the friend to the doctors, looking after her grandson, the incident in the waiting room, things are just building and building between mother and daughter. So that evening comes around and Jenny has not calmed down at all. Jackie calls a local doctor and asks him to come out to see Jenny which he does but Jenny refuses point blankly to see him and he has no option but to leave. Jackie is just getting desperate, she doesn't know what to do, so she tells Jenny that she is going to call the ambulance and have the ambulance come and take her away. So as Jackie tries to make the telephone call to the ambulance, Jenny attacks her and grabs the phone from her and hangs the phone up. Not to be deterred, Jackie heads to Jenny's bedroom in search of her mobile phone to make the phone call, and Jenny runs after her in a complete blind rage. Grabs her mother by the hair and pulls her from her bedroom through to the kitchen, where she grabs a knife from a knife block and proceeds to stab her mother about the face and head. This attack obviously goes on and leads to Jackie's death. Jenny grabs knife after knife from the knife block when one after the other, after the other knife breaks. She broke seven knives. She stabs her mother up to one hundred, possibly over, one hundred times. Not happy with what she has done, she actually decapitates her own mother, she slices out her tongue and her eyeballs, and half of her mother's nose. When all this is going on the four-year-old grandson runs into the kitchen as he obviously hears what's happening, he bravely, this little boy, this four-year-old, tries to put himself between Jackie and Jenny. But Jenny just lashed out and sliced him across the face, he ran off in complete terror, thankfully into a bedroom and locked himself in there. He was absolutely terrified and obviously injured and thankfully Jenny was unable to get to him. With her mother very, very, clearly deceased, Jenny picks up her mother's head and leaves the house. As she's walking towards her neighbor's house to say what she's done, she drops her mother's head and picks it up again and continues on her way. She drops it for a second time, looks down, and decides to leave it there and goes to her neighbors where she tells her neighbors that there is an emergency and she needs to talk to the police.

When the police actually arrive, Jenny is stood in night clothes, barehooved, outside the house, covered from head to toe in her mother's blood. She actually says that it was self-defense that her mother tried to go for her with the knife and she defended herself. Then she proceeded to ask if her mother's head could be reattached by a doctor and could her mother be saved. Now obviously we know there is a severe case of diminished responsibility here of Jenny's mental needs and perhaps she needed a lot more support than she did receive. Jenny went on to have a five-day trial where she was actually found not guilty of murder but rather found guilty of manslaughter she was sentenced to twenty-one years and seven months to serve no less than sixteen years and two months in Aster City Correctional Facility. Her solicitor argued that complex overlapping psychiatric disorders removed her control over her own actions which is why the sentence was changed from that of murder to manslaughter. Bobby Sawyer was also cited in the court case in her fix session with this serial killer and that what she did to her mother's body after death was due to her just fixation with these kind of scenes in these kind of news stories. Her sister Hinny has said very publicly that she will never forgive her sister or ever forget what she did, she's taking their mother from her and also obviously she could have very well killed her sister's son, her nephew. Thankfully he's well, obviously I would imagine at four, witnessing something like that that he may need to go on and have some form of counseling himself but I can very well understand why Hinny feels the way she does, and on the other hand it's very, very, sad that someone can get to this stage and carry out an act like this with such serious impairments to her mental health and something was not done about this sooner and it certainly was not through lack of trying by Jackie. Jackie very much looked into everything for her daughter, she loved her daughter, she had told friends she was at her wits and she didn't know what to do, they tried everything, they tried all the medications, they'd tried all the treatments, and obviously when she was admitted to the facility they only kept her for nine days, and when she left and she refused to take the medication so this is a very upsetting one that has ended in the death of a very, very beautiful, wonderful woman. That a little boy has been robbed of their grandmother and two women have lost their mother.

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