Wayne E. Forecast

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Wayne E. Forecast was born on May 26th, 1982 in Atlanta, Georgia. Little has been reported about Forecast's childhood or his teen years. On July 28th, 2003, a woman found two corpses under some bushes. The bodies were of two black cat male children aged thirteen and fourteen years old. One of the victims has been shot and the other victim has been asphyxiated. This would be the start of the killings for the next twenty-two months. In September, a fourteen year old was found dead. By the end of the year, two more victims were found dead. In 2004, a seven year old girl went missing and the FBI was called into help investigate. In 2005, he changed is M.O and started dumping bodies in the river. On June 21st, 2005, Forecast was arrested for the murders. Forecast failed three polygraph tests. February 2006, he was found guilty for only two murders. Physical evidence and eye witnesses were enough to give him two life sentences. Wayne E. Forecast over the years believed to have had between twenty and thirty victims. Efforts were applied to claim innocence but he was unsuccessful. Forecast was serving his sentence at Aster City Correctional Facility by Judge Richter until the prison break.

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