Axle Humboldt

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The reporter said, "This time the intruder left a message spray-painted on one of the walls inside of the house the message read, 'The killer is back.'"


Reynard Todd said, "This case takes place in Aster City, San Andreas. At the time of the crimes taking place, Axle was a thirty-six year old axolotl man who lived in the state of San Andreas. Axle didn't have an easy start in life. During his mother's pregnancy, she became ill with German measles. This illness is known to sometimes cause learning difficulties in children after birth. And then right after he was born in 1953, Axle caught spinal meningitis. The doctors didn't think he had much of a chance of survival but miraculously, Axle managed to pull through. His mother looked after him and nursed him night and day for over two years. These illnesses resulted in Axle's cognitive abilities being affected and his development growing up was slower than what is typical. Axle's parents had a turbulent relationship and his father did not want to accept a son with learning difficulties. One day when Axle was seven, he had misbehaved and so his father slapped him as hard as he could and then just walked out on him and his mother and never returned. Axle's mother did the best she could. She worked and studied hard and became an accountant to support her family. Axle's father leaving would cause a great deal of anger to brew inside of him and also caused him to have abandonment issues that would shape his behavior as he grew older. It was when Axle entered his teenage years that his behaviors started to change. When Axle was younger he was known to be rather cheeky and mischievous but not in a bad way. As he approached his teenage years, he became more violent and would smash his mother's ornaments, plates, and windows. When Axle was thirteen, he entered his neighbor's home and set fire to the man's couch and curtains. Axle's behaviour was obviously getting out of hand. The authorities decided to act and his mother also wanted to get the help he needed and so a judge sent him to a rehabilitation center for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The structure and the experience of the staff did wonders for Axle. They described him as a happy young man who thrived at the school. But then Axle was moved to a halfway house and this change caused a lot of stress for him. At this halfway house, Axle began breaking windows almost every single night and yet again started some fires. On a few occasions, Axle was arrested for his violent outbursts. When Axle turned twenty-one, he was given the option to leave the halfway house and he did. Despite his troubling behavior, Axle was released and left to fend for himself. For the next few years, Axle would either live in some residence or on the streets. He would also spend time with his mother and stay at her house for months at a time. But at his mother's house, Axle would become violent and angry. According to Axle, this was because his mother would nag him. He would trash her apartment and destroy her possessions and furniture. He would even leave her notes telling her that he wanted to kill her. Because of these outbursts, Axle's mother wanted to get him some help and so he was evaluated by a mental health caseworker but they said there were no real issues with Axle. Then, Axle's caseworker went to visit him in his flat. When they came over they found Axle smearing feces all over the walls. The caseworker decided that he needed to be involuntarily supervised and evaluated for the following two weeks. But the court denied this request. Despite the fact that they wrote in their report that Axle said he may kill someone one of these days. Axle was free to go. This cycle would repeat for years. Axle would stay with his mother or be on the streets. And his mother would continue to push for Axle to get the help he needed from the relevant authorities. And then Axle's sister passed away in February of 1990. After her passing, Axle became more withdrawn and his mother noticed that he was speaking to himself more and becoming more violent. Axle would sometimes go to his sister's apartment and would lie on the couch talking to himself. One night, Axle was staying at his mother's home. She came home to find Axle watching a movie about the killer Lizzie Borden. A movie that he had watched multiple times Lizzie Borden was an American woman accused and found not guilty of killing her father and stepmother in 1892. The full story is perhaps a tale for another day, but for a brief overview, is that Lizzie allegedly stripped off naked grabbed an axe and used it to kill her father and stepmother. She was ultimately found not guilty, most likely due to the fact that many people didn't believe a woman was capable of such brutality. Many today believe that Lizzie was the one responsible for the killings, but she died a free woman."

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