The Unsolved Disappearance of Larry Mizkif

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"Larry Mizkif a compassionate and easy going young man, was a hardworking engineer and family man of Itzehoe, Germany. His free spirited, personality, and love of all things traveling was cut short by an unexplainable, unsolved disappearance in July of 2014. Leaving all who knew him around Northern Germany and the entire of the world at large grasping for answers in a sea of evidence that drowned us all in doubt. As a hope to provide more substantial reasoning built upon observable evidence on situational analysis, this is an examination of Larry Mizkif unsettling disappearance at the Varna Airport in Bulgaria, and the mysterious CCTV footage that was released soon after. This is Mystery Unsolved Inc True Crime."

"Larry Mizkif was born on February 19th, 1986, near Berlin, Germany. From Berlin, a young Larry and his parents moved to Marne where his mother, Sandra and her husband had resided alongside their families for decades. Not long after his family moved to Itzehoe, Germany, the capital of the Steinberg district in Northern Germany. Itzhoe is a smaller town compared to major cities around north central Europe, featuring a population of just thirty-one thousand as of 2019. It is a quiet place throughout most of the year aside from the first weekend in August, when commuters from the nearby Wacken Open Air, a heavy metal music festival held in Wacken Germany use Itzehoe shuttles for transportation. Overall, the town has a gentle aura that made raising a small family quite the easy endeavor for the Mizkif couple, thus, as Larry navigated childhood, he found it easy to make friends and always got along well with his classmates. He fit right into the soft-spoken low-key nature of his fellow Itzehoe community and found much social and educational success because of it. Larry loved outdoor activities. And as a teenager found a love for fishing and diving expeditions. He would often go on weekend excursions with his school friends, sometimes even vacationing outside of Germany to see what other European countries had to offer. Without a doubt though, Larry his favorite pastime was cheering on his favorite football club, the hometown SV Werder Bremen Green Whites. Werder Bremen competes in the top tier of the German football league system. And while they aren't considered powerhouses of their league in the twenty-first century Larry bled their colors and supported them nonetheless. He didn't care about championships and honors, he simply devoted himself to his favorite team and carried that fiery spirits wherever he went. When Larry wasn't attending Werder Bremen matches with his friends or chasing adventures around Itzehoe he was diving deep into his textbooks and studying to become an engineer. Foregoing the traditional four year university course, Larry went the route of a specific trade taking extra coursework and advanced training classes to become a power plant operator at a coal fired power plant. Larry excelled beyond expectation and after receiving top marks in all of his courses, he found employment at the Wilhelmshaven Power Plants. This new job led Larry one hundred and fifty kilometers away from his family and friends back home in Itzehoe in Marne, but he made sure never to forget them and kept in tight communication with everyone, a symbol of his devotion and love for those around him. That familial sacrifice was seen most drastically in 2012, when Larry's father suffered a stroke and needed special care moving forwards. Larry, living near Wilhelmshaven would go home on weekends between work shifts to help Sandra take care of his father. While he could have been taking additional trips or hanging out with his friends, he chose nursing his father back to full health instead. He was always thinking of others no matter what life threw at him. Outside of his ailing father, Larry's life was otherwise smooth sailing for two years following the stroke. In 2014, he continued his sporting ventures and enjoyed a healthy relationship with his girlfriend of several years. Everything appeared to be going as planned. That is until one of his many vacations, took a turn for the worse. And after a bizarre set of events on the coast of Bulgaria, Larry disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again. Now let's turn to the timeline of events that led up to Larry's disappearance."

I pulled out a case file titled [The Timeline]

"In the early summer months of 2014, Larry Mizkif decides he needs a vacation from the constant stress of balancing work and tending to his father. He and five friends, three from childhood and two from school decide to plan a trip to Varna, Bulgaria, a coastal city along the Black Sea. It's not the normal type of vacation for Larry, but his friend's crew has an open reservation and Larry jumps on board the opportunity. On June 30th later that season Larry and his friends fly to Varna and check into Hotel Viva, a four-star star lodge along the Golden Sands Beaches on the Bulgaria Riviera. Over the next few days of the vacation Larry breaks from his group of friends to play football with a group of high school graduates on the beach. His friends all stayed behind at Hotel Viva to eat by the pool and party in their rooms. But Larry likes the physical activity and is considered a pleasant guy by the other beach footballers. At 11:00PM. on July 3rd, the fourth day of the vacation, Larry reconvenes with his five friends and they all attend the Golden Sands Bar to watch Costa Rica and the Netherlands in their world cup quarter finals match. Throughout the night and into the early morning hours of July 4th, Larry and his friends exchanged flags of their home football clubs with others around the bar. Larry wears his Werder Bremen Jersey proudly like usual and with a few drinks in both he and his friends. The flag trading with other patrons in the bar upsets a group of Bavarian high school graduates. These young men starts an argument with Larry, whether it's for his hometown Jersey or ornery antics with the world cup flags is unknown, but Larry and his friends quell their bickering, and then the nights on a positive note. Another few hours pass and at 4:00AM on July 4th, Larry and his five friends are the last patrons to leave the Golden Sands Bar. Just after 4:00AM two of Larry's friends, Tim and Paul suggest the cruise stop at a nearby WacDonald's for food. Larry declines the offer, having little appetite for fast food and considering his athletic diet for sports and nutrition. He breaks off from the rest of his friends and starts the one kilometer trek back to the hotel. However, not long after leaving the group Larry is attacked and beaten by a gang of either Russians or Bulgarians. He escapes without any major injuries except for a torn eardrum due to a blow to the left side of the head and returns to Hotel Viva to sleep it off. After a few hours of rest, Larry wakes at noon on July 4th and immediately phones his girlfriend. He tells her of how he believes that the gang that attacked him was hired by the FC Bayern Munich fans that argued with him at the Golden Sands Bar, remembering how they told him the night before that hiring someone to beat someone else up for money isn't not difficult in Bulgaria. Larry's girlfriend pleads with him to get his ear checked out by a doctor, but Larry says he doesn't think that would be a medical office open on the weekend. He goes on to tell his girlfriend, he hopes his ear will heal naturally and ends the conversation. That same evening Larry rejoins his friends once more for a night of celebration and drinking in town. No further incidents occur, and everyone has a great time. The same good fortune continues over the weekend on both July 5th and 6th as Larry and the crew relax at their hotel and the vacation winds down to an end. On July 7th, just before 12:00PM, Larry checks out of the hotel, but still can't shake the pain he has in his left ear from the fight. He realizes flying with a hurt ear could damage his hearing and slow him down at his job. So he hails a cab with one of his friends and visits a doctor's office. Between 12 and 1:00PM, Larry is checked out by a practitioner who diagnosed him with a ruptured eardrum and tells Larry he cannot fly in his current state. Instead, the doctor refers Larry to the St Anna Hospital in Varna for additional assistance. Before going to the hospital however, Larry returned to Hotel Viva and rendezvous with his friends later that afternoon at 5:00PM Larry implores everyone to fly home without him saying he'll find a way back to Germany after treatments via travel insurance. A few hours later at around 8:00PM, a shuttle bus picks up Larry's five friends from Hotel Viva and takes them to the airports. Larry waves goodbye, and claims into a separate cab of his own that transports him to St Anna Hospital. A mere forty minutes passed by before Larry is examined by an ear nose and throat specialist in St. Anna at 8:40PM. However, in a strange twist, there is a communication debacle between the ENT specialist and Larry. Thus Larry is never admitted to St. Anna, but does receive a prescription for 500 milligrams of Cefprozil a common antibiotic used for ear infections. At 9:41PM, Larry exit St. Anna and finds the same cab that dropped him off still parked outside the hospital's entrance. Larry climbs inside and asks the drivers to take him to the nearest pharmacy. The pharmacy in question, isn't carrying enough Cefprozil tablets to fulfill Larry's prescription. And so he asked the cab driver to take him to a second pharmacy. At 10:05PM, Larry finally receives his order of Cefprozil and asked the cab driver to take him to one final destination, a cheap hotel. The cab driver informs Larry that due to the popular summer season, almost all of the hotels in the area would be booked. However, he knows of one possibility and drives lost to the Hotel Color Varna, a small lodge in a poorer area of the city. Five minutes later at 10:10PM, Larry arrives at Hotel Color and pays his cab driver with a hefty tip. He thinks about grabbing water at the convenience store across the streets, but notices a few men dressed in dark clothing milling about and thinks better of it. Instead Larry checks in at the front desk of Hotel Color and pays for his room with a credit card. Between this time and 11:00PM, Larry ventures down to the hotel bar and fills up on water there. Both to quench his thirst and so he can take the Cefrozil tablets. Just after 11:00, Larry's behavior begins to change and he calls his mother Sandra from his cheap cell phone, because he left his new smartphone back home in Germany. His lesser phone needed minutes charged to it to make outgoing calls. Larry asked Sandra to put money towards the phone minutes to which she agrees. This is where Larry finally informs his mother about the weekend's events. He tells her about the arguments in the Golden Sands Bar, the fights with the soccer fans, the ruptured eardrum, and how the ENT doctor mocked him and refused to speak to him in English, laughing him out of St. Anna. Sandra is understandably perturbed about her son's stories, but she tells him she'll file a claim with foreign health insurance to secure a patient transports back to his home in Germany. A few minutes passed by and Sandra calls Larry back, she tells him about the health insurance claim failing to which Larry responds with more cryptic behavior. He tells Sandra that he needs to leave because there was something off about Hotel Color. He goes on to ask Sandra to cancel his credit cards because apparently the front desk clerk had copied his credit card upon check-in and that bothered him as he had never witnessed that process at a hotel before. Sandra double checks with the bank to make sure she can cancel the cards and unblock them later, but the bank assistant tells her it's not possible. Nevertheless, Larry pleads with his mother to cancel them anyway, claiming to have enough cash on hand. Another couple of minutes go by and Sandra books Larry a bus out of Varna for the following night at 11:30PM on July 8th. She implores her son to get a good amount of sleep and rest up for the next day's journey. Before the clock can strike midnights however, Larry call Sandra once again, this time more paranoid than before. He goes on about something being wrong with the hotel, but it doesn't go into further detail acting as if his room was wiretapped and someone is recording his every move. Sandra tries to comfort her son, but Larry ends the call saying he needs to get out of there. Sometime between 2:30 and 3:00AM Larry called Sandra once more whispering to her that he's being followed by four men who want to kill him. Larry sounds more frightened than ever before, but hangs up soon after calling. At 3:06AM, Larry texts Sandra asking her what's, 'Cefzil 500 is.' He repeats the text again at 3:15, apparently confused by his Cefprozil tablets. At this point, Sandra knows the situation is more dire than originally thought, and books Larry a flight out of Varna airports for 4:20PM later that day on July 8th. A couple of hours later at around 5:00AM Larry is spotted waving at a new cab driver on the side of the road. The driver picks Larry up and takes him to Varna Airport. The other female passenger in the cab reports Larry pupils to be severely dilated. After arriving at the airport later that morning, Larry meets a man inside of the terminal who explains to him how to send and receive money through the Western Union banking system. Larry calls his mother again, careful not to burn through his cell phone's battery and asked her to send him money via Western Union. Sandra is confused as neither she nor Larry has ever used it before, but she agrees to send him five hundred euros per his request. Sandra also gives Larry the information regarding his flight that evening, but also asked him to check in with the airport's medical office to make sure he is safe to fly. In the event that the doctor suggests otherwise. Sandra also gives Larry the info for the bus ticket she bought him on the previous night as well. Larry makes a comment that they won't let him fly or drive, and that he looks disheveled from hiding around earlier that night. Sandra suggests cleaning up in the bathroom and calling back when he has new information. A few minutes later, after setting up the Western Union transaction, Sandra calls Larry again, but after hearing only an unintelligible whisper from Larry, the call shuts off. This is the last point of contact Sandra makes with her son. She attempts to call again, but Larry never answers. At around 9:00AM, Larry finally makes it to the airport's medical clinic and meets with a Dr. Kostov. Over the next forty-two minutes. Dr. Kostov studies Larry's passports, gives him medicinal eardrops and clears him with a normal temperature of 37.2 degrees Celsius. Dr. Kostov attempts to give him more pills as well, but Larry refuses. Regardless, Dr. Kostov lets Larry knows he is healthy enough to fly. He'll just need to sign a waiver. Larry signs this waiver, and then asks to use the restroom, whispering under his breath about coming right back. It is at this time around 10:00AM on Monday, July 8th, 2014, Larry bolts from the medical clinic, flees the terminal and runs away from the airports. He climbs a fence, escapes into an adjacent meadow, and disappears into a sunflower field along Bulgarian highway A2. This is the last confirmed sighting of Larry Mizkif. Over the next couple of hours, Sandra Mizkif attempts to locate her son after losing all communication with him. She calls the Honorary Consulate in Varna and speaks to Ms. Metrova at 11:00AM informing her of the situation. An hour later at 12:00PM, Ms. Metrova returned Sandra's call and informed her of Larry's frantic escape from the airport. She says that Larry left all of his belongings behind, and hasn't been seen since. The following day on Tuesday, July 9th, a missing person's report is filed on behalf of Larry Mizkif in Germany. The Wilhemshaven Power Plant hires a private detective and lawyer based out Varna and the investigation into Larry's bizarre disappearance begins. Nearly seven years later, despite countless search and rescue operations and a few potential sightings. Larry Mizkif is still missing. His family and friends scouring Europe for any remaining clues, despite the time passed without any credible evidence coming to the surface."

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