Anna Belle

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Most of us love sweet, delicious ice cream. The flavor options are endless. The same goes for relationships, there are so many fish in the sea to choose from. For Anna Belle, she collided the two worlds in a way no one has ever seen before.

Said to be one of the most visually appealing serial killers ever, Anna took out her anger on her partners in one of the craziest true crime stories ever told. Born on September 6th, 1978 in Aster City. Anna Belle, or Anna as many people called her. 

Her father was an author of books related to esotericism, shamanism, and the loves of Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs.

Anna was known to have a difficult relationship with her father, she claimed that they were not allowed to attract attention and felt like they weren't even allowed to exist at times. 

Anna's father worked from home and was a tyrant about noise. She was often bullied at school and had a difficult time making friends. Anna was obsessed with having children of her own. At ten years old, she asked her mother when she would be old enough to have a child of her own. Many peers laughed at her and believed it was just a phase she would grow out of. But the lingering desire to be a wife and a mother always remained.

When Anna was a teenager, she was raped by an older man who had invited her to a private party. When she arrived, he led her into a back room where he handcuffed and proceeded to do whatever he wanted without her consent. 

She never reported the crime or told anyone about it until she wrote her memoir that was published in 2014.

This situation and her hatred for her father led to many fantasies where she harmed men who did her wrong.

When she was seventeen, her father sent her to university in Aster City to study economics. This was not her choice but rather what her father wanted her to do. And she always wanted to receive acceptance from him so she completed the five years of education. During this time, she began her first serious relationship with a man and it lasted the entire length of her studies. She had ideas of them having a family together and building the life she always wanted. Unfortunately when she brought up the idea, he told her he was not ready for a serious relationship.

This added him to the list of men who had wronged Anna in her life. She had fantasies of killing him by cutting the brakes on his car or messing with the heating inside of his apartment. When Anna graduated from university with top honors she moved to Darkwoods to become a nanny. It is believed that she became a nanny because of her love of children and desire of having her own one day. She picked up the language quickly and eventually left her job to work in an ice cream parlor near N City. Once again she was in a new town and had difficulty making new friends.

In 2002, she was working away when an older man walked into the ice cream shop. He was a refrigerator salesman fourteen years older than her named Häagen Dazs. Only a few weeks passed before Häagen asked Anna to marry him. She was only twenty-two at the time, but she wanted babies as soon as possible so she agreed. Neither of their families attended since they believed it was too soon. 'As he put a ring on my finger, I was crying inside. I knew I had made a mistake.' Claimed Anna. Häagen became worse and worse as he verbally and physically assaulted Anna. He took all the money that she earned and even stole her documents when she wanted to return to Aster City. In 2005, Häagen moved Anna to Verona Beach, Aster City by convincing her that if they moved there, he would be ready to start a family with her. Here they opened a new ice cream parlor named I Scream Ice Cream Shop. Unfortunately for Anna, she spent most of her time running the business. While Häagen lazed around at home playing video games and obsessing over his weapon collection. He constantly told her she was unattractive even though she tried her best to dye her hair and wear appealing outfits for him. He then began refusing to have physical relations with her entirely, which crushed her chances of becoming a mother. 'How was I going to get pregnant? I began to hate him. I fantasized in my mind over and over again about killing him, about taking the guns he was obsessed with and using one to shoot him in the head.' She claimed when she discussed her relationship with Häagen. In 2007, Anna met a man named Michael J. Meehan. He was a forty-eight year old man who she had met at the couple's ice cream parlor when he came in one day to sell her a new ice machine. He was also a salesman who swept Anna off her feet with promises of a future family. Anna was finally done with Häagen and divorced him, but he refused to leave their apartment. Anna and Michael also had a relationship full of ups and downs. They broke up a few times and she continued to go on dates with other men in hopes of finding someone who wanted the same out of life that she did. On April 27th, 2008, Anna was getting ready to go on a date with a man from the internet when she struck up a conversation with Häagen that he needed to move out. He told her that she was useless and would not be able to live by herself. Anna was enraged that he refused to leave and noticed some of his guns laying out on the dining room table. As he sat at the computer playing video games, Anna grabbed his Beretta 22 caliber and pulled the trigger. Getting Häagen in the back of the head twice, then once in the temple. She said, 'He told me, 'Anna give up looking, you are never going to find another man.' That was when it happened. There were four guns on the table. I took one of them and walked up behind him. I pointed one at his head and pulled it once, twice, three times. It was just like the scenario I had enacted over and over in my head. Except this time it was real.' After killing Häagen, she left the apartment and spent the night with her new lover. She told herself it was the only way to get him out of her life, since he would not leave on his own. The following morning she left for work and spent the day serving ice cream and running her business. Ignoring the fact that her dead ex-husband was waiting for her at home. When she arrived back at her apartment that night, Anna was hit with reality. As she opened the door, she saw him slumped over the computer in the same position she had left him in the night before. She decided the best way to dispose of his body was to burn it. She refused to move the body and instead covered him in an accelerant right in front of the computer. Unfortunately for Anna, it is extremely hard to burn a body. Her wishful thinking backfired when the apartment filled up with smoke and a neighbor called the fire department. When they came to her door, Anna turned on her charm and told them that she had simply burnt the fish she was making for dinner. Incredibly, they believed her. And left. Anna could not cope with Häagen's body any longer and left her home to spend the night at her internet lover's apartment again. The following day, a neighbor knocked on Anna's door to find out what the bad smell coming from her apartment was. She realized she could no longer ignore Häagen so she went to the store and bought a chainsaw. It took her two days to follow through with her grotesque master plan.

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