Kris Volt

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A grey-furred protogen named Kris Volt was cheating on his prengant wife Siri, a pink-furred protogen  with black metal and with a red heart on her thigh. Kris strangled his wife Siri and his two young daughters, one who was four years old and the other who was three years old.

Kris made a few mistakes.

One, the doorbell cam. You can't argue that she left if your neighbor has a fucking camera that captures anyone that comes and leaves. And he knew that.

Second mind-boggling mistake on his part, his getaway vehicle, the truck that he used to get away, to drive the bodies away has GPS that pings every ten seconds.

Third thing that if you're trying to get away with murder is just mind-boggling, all of her stuff is left at the house including her phone which we all know that Siri was completely addicted to her phone.

Even more suspicious that her phone is there is she didn't even take her purse and her money.

The sheets that were on the bed were in the home trashcan.

The last thing, don't take the polygraph, why would you take the polygraph?

Kris took a polygraph and failed. Kris got a moment alone in the interrogation room with his father and claimed that Siri strangled their daughters so he strangled her.

Kris was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder, two counts of murder of a child twelve years or younger, unlawful termination of a pregnancy, and three counts of tampering with a deceased body and is incarnated in Aster City Correctional Facility.

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