Boxy Bowser Koopa Rool

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On September 26th, 2017, a Vancouver couple in their sixties were brutally murdered in their home. The instruments used to kill them was a hatchet and a knife. 

Notable things at the crime scene, the hatchet is in the front yard, it was left. The knife is on the front stairs. There is a black baseball cap and there is a print left by gloves with blood in it. Also not only the couple's blood but also another male's blood. They also find an unknown male under the woman's fingernails. After some detective work, they find that serial number on the hatchet traces back to a store called Canadian Tire. Law enforcement brings it to Canadian Tire, Canadian Tire looks up the serial number and finds on the receipt that a knife, gloves, and a baseball cap were purchased. 

Canadian Tire pulls up the footage which was September 13th, the day of the purchase, in walks Boxy Bowser Koopa Rool, a twenty-five year old turtle man. He picks out the knife, and the hatchet, and the black baseball cap, and some gloves. 

Law enforcement track Boxy Bowser Koopa Rool to a bank where they get his information. Three plain clothes officers arrested Boxy Bowser Koopa Rool at a bus stop. 

In the interrogation room, Boxy Bowser Koopa Rool wore black basketball shorts and a New England Patriots blue hoodie with flip-flops. 

Inside the interrogation room

"Your full name is Boxy Bowser Koopa Rool?" The male detective asks.

"Yes," Boxy says with a nervous laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" The male detective asks.

"I don't like that name," Boxy says.

Outside the interrogation room

So here we see Boxy tries to explain why he doesn't like his given name. He makes several attempts to communicate the idea that his physical appearance doesn't match the image the name brings to mind but he's largely unsuccessful. This exact scenario has probably occurred multiple times in Boxy's life where he awkwardly tries to explain his admittedly misleading name with an attempt at humorous self-deprecation but only the self-deprecation is communicated effectively.

Inside the interrogation room

"Simon said you were educated in economics," the female detective says.

"Yep," Boxy replies.

"So that's kinda an important job, isn't it?" The female detective asks.

"NOPE," Boxy replies with a nervous laugh.

"How come? What does that get you? What kind of job would that mean? Like accounting or what would that be?" The female detective asks.

"Bank companies," Boxy replies.

"I'm just interested in what brings you out west and I thought it was our mountains and lakes," the female detective says.

"NO," Boxy replies with a funny scoff.

"You're not an outdoorsman?" the female detective asks.

Boxy shakes his head.

"Well okay," the female detective says, "So you're not working at all?"

"No," Boxy says.

"Are you close with your family?" the female detective asks.

"...I don't know how to say close or not but," Boxy says.

"How old are you? Twenty-?" the female detective asks.

"Twenty-five," Boxy answers.

"What did your mom do?" the female detective asks.

"She was a teacher," Boxy answers.


Boxy and the female detective eat sandwiches. 

"I want to play video games but that's not much of a choice," Boxy says.

The female detective laughs, "No we don't have a lot of video games, Boxy, that's true."

"So I-I'm forced to not play video games and eat the food I want to eat," Boxy says.

Boxy nervously laughs.

"Yeah that's true, that's one of the downsides, that your options kinda get limited on what you get to do in your spare time," the female detective responds.

Outside the interrogation room

So we established Boxy's addiction to video games. In terms of Boxy's personality, we have to rely mostly on his own self-reporting. But he reveals a fair amount. We see openness to experience is relatively low based on the fact that he reportedly spent fifteen hours per day playing video games. Conscientiousness is interesting with Boxy, we see that he passed through school without any problems and went on to earn a degree in economics but was unable to hold down a job. Extroversion is pretty obviously low. He spent a lot of time inside alone. We know he's socially awkward, he laughs when the detective asks if he has a girlfriend, and he's comfortable being alone for extended periods of time. So pretty introverted. There's not much we can say about agreeableness. He's polite and accommodating during the interrogation. His crimes indicate a person with low empathy and no consideration for others. 

Boxy's gaming addiction might be as much as a coping mechanism as it is a disorder. 

Tyler Dream, a clinical psychologist, spent eleven hours with the accused while he was in custody.

"Mr. Rool remembered that he killed the couple...he was not able to given an intent," Dr. Tyler Dream, clinical psychologist said, "...perhaps Mr. Rool was operating in a game consciousness. He might have anticipated gaming consequences instead of real consequences."

Inside the interrogation room

"This is a picture of the man earlier in the day, hunched over. Walker. Do have an explanation why you killed this old man?" The female detective asks.

"I have nothing to say," Boxy responds.

"How long have you been in the police department?" Boxy asks.

"Twenty-seven years," The female detective answers.


"Maybe you're not ready to tell the whole story but just say you're sorry," the female detective says.

"ᶠᵒʳ ʷʰᵃᵗ?" Boxy asks.

"For what?!" The female detective asks before storming out of the interrogation room.

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