Axman of Wopescum

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Have you ever been camping and felt like you were being watched? Maybe you set up up your tent and feel piercing eyes deep in the dark woods of the forest, preying on you. Two female university students felt exactly that. The two cyclists decided to partake in a cross-country cycling trip ending in Aster City, San Andreas. The two's trip would abruptly end, and the assailant would never be identified.

On June 22nd, after a long day of cycling in the desert, the two women set up camp in Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness to rest for the night. But a strange feeling overtook the both of them. They felt as if someone was watching them.

They brushed it off, assuming it was just paranoia. It was 11PM at night and the two were exhausted, ready for a good night's rest. Just thirty minutes after they fell asleep. The first girl was awakened to realize she was underneath a truck, hidden. She heard a man step out of the truck, walking toward her friend. The second girl screamed, 'Leave us alone' and then she hears a blow, then six more blows. The first girl's heart is pounding. She can't even see the assailant or what is happening.

Next thing she knows, he's over her.

She describes the man as dressed in dark green pants, light green T-shirt, blue open jacket, a hockey mask with a broken bottom half.

As the assailant drives the axe down for a final blow to the girl girl, she catches in her hands, right above her heart, and then he withdrew, got into his truck, and just left. The first girl stumbled her way to a high, flagging down a car in the dead of night.

She brought them back to her first, and suddenly the three see car headlights darting through the woods near them.

Both women were rushed to a nearby hospital in Darkwoods, San Andreas. Pillbox Medical Center. The second girl underwent a nine hour brain surgery.

Both women survived but are left with the emotional and physical aftermath of the unknown hockey-mask attacker. The second girl suffered lasting vision problems due to the attack. There was never an arrest for what happened to them up in Wopescum and it looks like there wouldn't be any justice in the long run either.

The first girl was compelled to figure out more. She began looking through police files. Returning to the scene, interviewing anyone she could find. She came across a man. His name was Steven Kibble. He was a Spanish Water Dog. Twenty-four hours after the assault, a teenage Steven Kibble was beating up his then-girlfriend.

She recalls recognizing Steven's truck tire tracks and then, strangely enough, Steven changes the tires on the front of his truck.

Sadly, the police did not share the suspicions about Steven Kibble. Even though many people in town believed he was involved. Was Steven Kibble the Axman from Wopescum? 

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