Charlee Cutis Cockowft

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"It was a rainy day in March of 2018, when an eight year old boy was running errands. He would never make it back from this outing. That day his body would be found on a rooftop just two blocks from his home in Aster City. The young boy had been stabbed thirty-eight times, his shoes were missing, and the wounds were apparent over his neck, chest, and back. Most disturbingly his genitals had been slashed so viciously that they were attached to his body by but a single bloody flap of skin. When it comes to killers, those who target children are considered the most evil, even by fellow criminals, however, when it comes to the crimes of this particular murderer, they are beyond abhorrent. They call him Charlee Cutis Cockowft, a crude pseudonym based on the modus operandi of his killings and it's the name the killer still officially goes by, as to this day he has remained unidentified and the case unsolved. After so long is there any hope of that changing, or perhaps is the killer closer than many might think? Let's open the serial killer file."

"Barely a month after the first victim was found on April 20th, 2018, another panther boy, only two years older than the first boy, also went missing on a dreary and rainy day in east Aster City. A man calling himself Mike approached the young boy and offered him 50 cents to come with him, they left together and went to the rooftop of a nearby apartment building. While there, the man brutally assaulted the boy. The child had his shoes taken and then was stabbed, gutted, and had his genitals removed by the attacker. The perpetrator took the genitals with him and left his victim for dead in one of the apartment building hallways. Later, police would recover the missing genitals in a nearby park where a group of children had been playing with them. Unexpectedly and shockingly, the child survived the vicious assault and was able to provide the police with some details that allowed them to develop a vague profile. Officials believed the suspect to be a fox or maned wolf and he had black fur around his eyes, he was thin and walked with a limp, as well the individual had poor hygiene and foul breath. Authorities were able to develop a sketch from the victim's description. Sadly, this would not be enough and the killer would soon strike again."

"The third victim was just nine years old when he vanished while playing in a yard near his home in east Aster City in October of 2018. He failed to come inside when his mother called, frightened she promptly alerted authorities of her missing child. It would only be a few hours later that the boy's body would be discovered on the rooftop of his own apartment building by three boys who had been playing. The mother identified her son immediately. The autopsy would reveal that boy had been sodomized and stabbed seventeen times in the abdomen neck and chest. Once again the victim's genitals were mutilated and the killer had taken the amputated part with him when he left. Regardless of the brutality of the slaying, very little evidence had been left behind. It was suspected that the boy ran into the killer on his way back inside the apartment. Residents denied having seen or heard anything. Once again authorities were left with no leads. Despite the similarities in the cases, police failed to connect the death to the previous attack and murder. Investigators reported that it was unclear that there was any link between the crimes on March 6th, 2019, a boy was sent to fetch some milk and bread from the store by his mother. When he didn't return home, the ten year old's mother became frantic and contacted the police to report him missing. A search was conducted but it wouldn't be until the next day when a woman, taking out the trash, would discover the boy's body in a basement stairwell. He had been stabbed repeatedly in the back, neck, and chest. As well the victim's genitals were mutilated and missing. Clearly having been taken once again by the killer. In this instance, witnesses had seen the boy's abductor and were able to provide the police with a description of the perpetrator. They described the man as slender with orange fur, possibly a fox, witnesses believe the man to be between five foot seven and five foot ten inches in height and likely aged between thirty and forty years old. While no one claimed to see dark fur around his eyes. With a fourth victim and still no results, the community was in an uproar. Public meetings were held and a local class even made a video warning other children to stay away from strangers. Local children began referring to the murderer as Charlee Cutis Cockowft and the name stuck. A task force was developed to track down the suspect they opened a tip line, interviewed over one hundred and fifty suspects, and went door to door distributing flyers. While speaking to neighbors, police were able to locate someone they believed had been in contact with the killer. Two days before one of the boy's murder, a man approached the woman's son offering a free bicycle in exchange for help with an errand. He told the stranger he would need to ask permission and said he would meet the man again the next day. The next day the mother arrived at the arranged meeting place and told the man to stay away from her son or she'd contact the authorities. The next day the boy disappeared."

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