Rosey Adore and Carl Kepler

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This story is not a myth, it's disturbingly true. And it begins with a man named Carl Kepler. Kepler was a brown-furred mouse with black hair and blue eyes. Carl Kepler was born in 1947 in Callisto, Frérault. Kepler was a curious child whose favorite subjects included science and astronomy. His curiosity set him on a journey around the world, traveling through India, Australia, and Cuba. In February of 1996, he moved to Aster City, San Andreas. Kepler's wife and two daughters immigrated from Frérault to live with him, but he quickly abandoned them to live in Vespucci, where he changed his name to Count Carl von Graves and found work as an X-ray technician and bacteriologists at the Pillbox Medical Center located in Aster City. So reportedly, Kepler told those he worked with that, they could call him Dr. Carl von Graves. He also claimed to have nine university degrees and to have worked as a submarine captain and successful adventurer. And there's obviously no evidence for any of that.

In 2000, Kepler came across a girl, thirty years his junior, whom he was instantly convinced was meant to be his one true love. Based on a prophecy he heard as a child from an alleged Frérault ancestor, the Countess Antonia von Graves, who had told him he was meant to be with a dark haired exotic mouse beauty, which is problematic in itself. When Rosalva Adore, a twenty-one year old white-furred mouse walked into the hospital, he knew he had found her. Rosey as she was known by her friends and family, had worked briefly in the entertainment industry and had married by the age of sixteen. She never technically divorced, but her marriage was short lived. Her husband left her and moved to Vespucci after she miscarried what would be their first child. At the hospital, Rosey was tragically diagnosed with a lung disease. And obsessed Kepler attempted to cure her in manners intrusive to her family. And in some cases, were downright illegal, considering he wasn't actually a doctor. He administered her homemade treatments, herbs and tonics. He also showered her with gifts and proposed marriage to her several times over the next year, which she declined politely. Each time used an excuse that she was still technically married. So there is no evidence that she reciprocated feelings for the lovelorn fake doctor and fake count.

Rosey died of complications of her disease a year later on October 25th, 2001, Kepler, once again, overstepped, funding the construction of an above ground mausoleum to house her body. Her family accepted this offer though continued to think him an absolute creep. They knew he visited her grave in the cemetery every night, but they did not know that he was the only person with a key to enter the tomb. He even had a telephone line installed in the mausoleum so they could speak when he wasn't there. Within two years of Rosey's death, Kepler's erratic behavior got him fired, around the same time her family were surprised to learn he suddenly stopped visiting her. They couldn't know that in April of 2003, under the cover of darkness, he took her body from the mausoleum, bringing it home in a child's toy wagon. He would later say Rosey had told him to do it. And she finally accepted his marriage proposal, no longer wanting to be trapped in the stone building. Kepler proceeded to preserve her rotting corpse as best he could, filling her internal cavities with rags and securing her bones together with wire hangers. He used mortician's wax to try to repair her fur, replaced her scalp with real hair, and filled her eyes with glass. Perhaps most disturbingly, he used a paper tube to recreate her sexual organs. And a later autopsy suggested he performed acts of necrophilia on her corpse.

But don't worry, he installed a privacy curtain for her, in the marital bed, they shared for the next seven years. Many of the small town found it suspicious that the bachelor was constantly buying women's clothing and perfumes, which he used an ample supply in addition to disinfectant to hide the scent of her decaying body.

So rumors began to spread even more widely when a neighbor saw Kepler dancing with what seemed to be a life-size doll from a window.

By October, 2010, Rosey's sister suspicions were no longer ignorable. And she went over to his house to confront him. And that's where she discovered her sister's body. The police arrested him for wantingly and maliciously destroying a grave and removing a body without authorization. The scandal garnered national attention, and wildly many people at the time, especially women were sympathetic to Kepler, framing him as a tragic romantic, rather than an absolute creep, which in my opinion, he was the biggest creep of all time. He ultimately went free because the statute of limitations for his crime had passed, since he technically committed the grave robbing many years before at this point. A free man, Kepler, had the audacity to ask for Rosey's body back. And while there seemed to be a lot of excuses made for this man's madness, luckily the court refused him. Denied, he threw a giant temper tantrum and blew up the original mausoleum he built with dynamite. But don't worry, Rosey wasn't in it. Rather, because this is San Andreas, Rosey's body had been placed in a local funeral home for public display. Where reportedly as many as sixty-eight hundred visitors came to see the famous corpse bride decaying body for a mere $1 fee. Eventually she was moved to an unmarked grave so that Kepler could not find her. Kepler moved back to Vespucci in poverty and relative disgrace living near his daughter and wife. They supported him for the rest of his life. So when Kepler died on June 3rd of 2022, it took three weeks for anyone to find him. Disturbingly, but perhaps unsurprisingly, he was set to be clutching a life-size effigy wearing a plaster death mask of Rosey's face. Kepler was also buried in an unmarked grave, ironically, out of fear of it being tampered with, in the future.

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