Marigold McAndrews

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Marigold McAndrews was born on July 22nd, 1961. She was quite a reserved black and white-furred dog lady and married an older already divorced man named Wilbur and together the couple had six children. Five sons Jaden McAndrews, Jordan McAndrews, James McAndrews, Jeremy McAndrews, Jack McAndrews, John McAndrews, and one daughter Jessie McAndrews. In the mid-1990s, the family moved to Willow which is a city about sixy kilometers northeast of Aster City. For many years it was a small farming village set among rice fields, but in the late 1980s, the village started to be developed as farmers sold off part of their land to construction companies who built new larger houses to serve the commuters who worked in Willow. Grapeseed is a small rural town located in Willow, Blaine County, San Andreas. Grapeseed is an agricultural settlement dedicated to providing San Andreas with its food. Marigold and Wilbur didn't encourage their children to play outside, with other local youngsters. Instead, the family seemed to only socialize with their friends from outside the area, many of them would often come and visit them but very few locals had ever entered their house. Wilbur was said to be impatient and Marigold was known to be unsociable and unfriendly. It seemed from the outside that the family were wealthy, but the locals could not work out how they had managed to accumulate their money.

"The soup poisoning incident of 1998 is a famous mass murder case in San Andreas, which is still discussed today due to the disturbing nature of the crime. In Grapeseed, San Andreas, there was an annual summer festival in July. Compared to other festivals, it was a relatively small affair. But it was well known in the area for one reason, it's delicious soup. People would come to the festival for the dish alone, which was made by a group of volunteers, and it was something everyone in the area looked forward to. That day, as always, people of all ages lined up and paid for a serving of soup, which smelled delicious aside freshly steamed rice. Dozens of bowls had been served and eaten that day and it wasn't long until people began feeling ill and vomiting. Fearing it was food poisoning, they were all rushed to the hospital. But the staff there were perplexed at the symptoms which did not resemble food poisoning, and the rapidly declining condition of many of the people who were hospitalized. Unfortunately in total four people ended up dying in excruciating pain. Two adults and two children. Sixty-three others remain hospitalized from what turned out to be acute arsenic poisoning. A police investigation was quickly launched and a small paper cup with traces of arsenic was found at the scene. Attention quickly focused on the thirty-seven year old mother of six, Marigold McAndrews. A witness had seen her at the soup pot and it was discovered that she had easy access to arsenic because her husband Wilbur was an insect exterminator and carried several types of poisons. Prior to the murders, McAndrews had been an insurance saleswoman. After her arrest, she and her husband were indicted on a number of insurance fraud charges as well. McAndrews was also tried for three other attempted murders by poison that had occurred during the previous ten years with the motive in those cases being life insurance benefits. Her family, known to be unusual and abrasive at best, had previously been shunned by their neighbors who had no interest in socializing with them and feared being associated with them. The prosecution argued that this is what motivated McAndrews to poison the communal soup. Lab analysis showed that the arsenic found in the soup was identical to the arsenic she had in her own home from her husband's extermination business. McAndrews pleaded not guilty and although her lawyers insisted on her innocence because only circumstantial evidence existed, she was found guilty of having mixed in the arsenic, enough to kill one hundred people. McAndrews was sentenced to death she appealed twice in 2005 and 2009. However the O City high court rejected her appeals and upheld her death sentence. McAndrews sat on death row for eight more years before petitioning one final time for a retrial in June 2017. However, the request was rejected. Tragically, that very same month, after a violent altercation at her home, McAndrews's thirty-seven year old daughter drove towards Aster City International Airport with her four year old, stopped suddenly on the airport access bridge, took her child into her arms, and jumped off, killing herself and her four year old daughter. Post this event, when the police attended McAndrews's daughter's residence in Willow, they found the woman's sixteen year old daughter lying in a pool of her own blood, she had been beaten to death just hours earlier. Later that day, her father was found nearby lying on the side of a road after an apparent suicide attempt. It was all a very tragic end to a very troubled family. And to this day, Marigold McAndrews resides in Aster City Correctional Facility on death row, rotting away in solitary confinement."

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