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Hey guys. I got tagged by sportis to do this. I had no idea that this thing even existed, much like you, sportis. But, I got tagged, so I guess I'll do it.

Something different about me...hm...this is actually really hard. Well, I have this birthmark on my head. It's like a little crevice, a hole if you will. I know that sounds weird, but I can feel that it's there if I look hard enough. I'm perfectly fine, but that's he only thing that I can really think of that's different.

I could also say that I'm actually a fan of Twilight. I've seen a lot of Twilight haters on here, so I thought that I would just throw that out there.

And I am actually really shy. I know that it doesn't really seem like it on here, but, if you saw me in school, I am. Not with my friends of course. When I'm with my friends, I'm a totally different person than what I'm like without them.

I don't really know if that answered the question, but I want to tag:
And anyone else that wants to comment with something different about them.

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