Reader Based Characters

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Hey guys. I know I'm probably the last person that you want to see an update from right now since I broke up Via (which also happens to be my favorite ship, so I know your pain). However, I wanted to dedicate this section to saying who the new characters are based on. This list will probably grow as I get more character ideas, but, for now, here you go.

Victoria: TesaaWayland

Robyn: MultiFandomGirl46ulm

Scarlight Fairchild: dhampir1

Shannah: sportis

Vanessa: CoolWolve

So, I'm still open for more ideas for new characters. If you want to be featured in this story, feel free to comment or message me with what you want your character to look like, what you want them to be (Shadowhunter, werewolf, etc.), what side you want them to be on (good or bad), and what you want their name to be.

Thank you all for sticking with me. Your support really means a lot.

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