Fenrisúlfr "Fenrir" Huffington

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"I never intended to hurt those youngsters, but I knew that if I got going something would happen and that made me cry...I would throw myself on top of those boys and bite through their Adam's apples." - Fenrisúlfr 'Fenrir' Huffington

Huffington would usually target young males and teenage runaways. He found his victims hanging around Aster City Central Station. He would lure them into his apartment, he would then offer them food or drinks and kill them by biting through their throats, which he referred to as his love bites. Fenrisúlfr Huffington was the sixth wolf child of a couple living in poverty. His father and Johanna his mother, Huffington's mother made him play with his sister's dolls instead of boy activities. As a result he seemed to have a feminine personality. He also had sadistic tendencies in which he enjoyed tying up his sisters. By age sixteen he was arrested for molesting several children but was deemed psychologically unfit. He was sentenced to a mental institution where he escaped six months later. At age twenty, he married a woman named Lupay Lycan. After having a child, he leaves her to pursue a career in the military. Shortly after joining the military, Huffington was diagnosed with a mental deficiency and was discharged. After being discharged, he started a series of petty crimes and con jobs. He spent about one third of the following two decades being incarcerated. He then decided to become a police informer, just to redirect police attention from himself. Shortly after, Huffington finally snapped killing a seventeen year old boy. Tips given to the authorities and pressure of the boy's parents, police raided Huffington's home. Finding him in bed with a teenage boy. He was arrested for sexual assault. Police never searched Huffington's house, as a result he was cleared of any suspicion of murder. Eventually released, Huffington met a new lover Walter Wolf, a wolf who would later become his accomplice.

"I'd make two cuts in the abdomen and put the intestines in a bucket. Then, suck up the blood and crush the bones until the shoulders broke. Could get the heart, lungs, and kidneys and chopped them up and put them in my bucket. It would take me five or six trips to take everything and throw it down the toilet or in through the river. I always hated doing this but I couldn't help it. My passion was much stronger in the order of the cutting and chopping." - Fenrisúlfr "Fenrir" Huffington

They killed twelve men of the course of nine months. They would dump the victims' bones in the Aster City River. The killing went unnoticed until over five hundred bones belonging to their victims start washing upstream. Suspicions quickly fell on him due to his molestation charges. Police apprehended him after he attempted to lure in a would-be victim. Following his arrest, Huffington's attic apartment was searched. The flooring, walls, embedding within were found to be extensively blood-stained. Huffington attempted to explain this as of byproduct of his illegal trading in contraband meat. The trial of Fenrir Huffington and Walter Wolf began on December 4th. Several acquaintances of Huffington testified for the prosecution, including former neighbors who testified to having purchased me from Huffington. Huffington's landlady and her family became ill after eating sausages and skins Huffington claimed were sheeps intestines. The trial lasted barely two weeks. Judged sane and accountable for his actions, Huffington was found guilty of twenty-four murders and sentenced to death by beheading. Following Huffington's execution, Huffington's head was preserved in formaldehyde and sections of his brain were removed for forensic analysis. An examination of slices of Huffington's brain revealed traces of meningitis.

"Believe me, I'm not ill. It's only that I occasionally have funny turns. I want to be beheaded. It'll only take a moment. Then I'll be at peace."  - Fenrisúlfr "Fenrir" Huffington

A memorial for Huffington's victims was built in Aster City Cemetery.

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