⭒ XIII ⭒

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Hey friends! Thank you all for the many votes and comments on the last chapters! They make me so happy. I love seeing how much you guys enjoy this story! And I'm just really loving writing the back story of the things I mentioned in Celebrate. I'm really enjoying this story and writing it and seeing what you guys think. Makes me so happy! Thank you for everything & your continuous support guys ♥️ love you all so much.

Here's chapter 13 already! I wrote up to chapter 18 before I left for my holiday so we still got several chapters to publish!

Please keep up the voting and comments, guys! Makes me so dang happy. I'd love to hear what you think of this chapter! Much love from me ♥️ let's dive into it! Chapter 13. Here we go!

Word count: 5269


Just an hour later, his alarm went off. Tyler woke up, feeling dreadful. He could hardly open his eyes, and he couldn't even reach over to turn the alarm off. Lucas sat up and reached over his boyfriend to the other side, shutting it off.

"Good morning, love", Lucas said as he kissed Tyler's lips. "Hi baby", Tyler muttered, still not opening his eyes. "Are you okay, baby?" Lucas asked worriedly. "Just- just tired", Tyler muttered. "Insomnia hit again."

"Wish that damn insomnia would give you a fucking break for once, why can't it just leave you alone", Lucas muttered. He knew about Tyler's insomnia, his anxiety, his depression, his suicidal thoughts; all of his mental health issues. Almost all of them.

"How long did you sleep?" Lucas asked. "An hour", Tyler said softly. "Fuck, Ty, that's way too short", Lucas said softly. "Let me call them and tell them you need a day off okay?" He said. "No, no no I need to go, I won't finish it if I don't. It's the first album with my label, I- I need to finish it. I have to go", he said softly.

"You're gonna overwork yourself, y'know that right?" Lucas said with a soft sigh. "It's just two more weeks", Tyler muttered. "Two more weeks of being in the studio almost every fucking day, then flying home and almost instantly going on tour again", his boyfriend muttered.

"My family asked if we were gonna come over for dinner today but I'll move it to a different day. You need to rest as much as possible today. I'm driving you to the studio and I'll be there and make sure you're okay, yeah?" Lucas said and Tyler nodded softly, too exhausted to argue. Lucas kissed Tyler's forehead. "Let me run you a bath. What temperature do you want?" He asked. Tyler thought about it. "Lukewarm", he said. He wanted a hot bath; he felt cold, but a warm bath wouldn't wake him up. A cold bath would be too cold, so lukewarm was the way to go.

Tyler felt Lucas get up from the bed when his eyes were closed again, and he heard the water being turned on. A while later, Lucas came back. He kissed Tyler's forehead again before he helped his boyfriend undress, and he lifted him up in his arms. Tyler wrapped his arms tightly around Lucas's neck, mindlessly kissing his lover's cheek and neck as he was carried to the bathroom. "Light as a feather", Lucas said softly, and it made Tyler smile softly.

He was lowered into the tub, and he looked up at Lucas. "Can you turn the lights off? They're really bright", Tyler said softly. "Of course", Lucas said and he did as he was asked. He kissed Tyler's lips, which Tyler returned. "I'm gonna get us breakfast okay? Will you be okay in the tub on your own?" He asked. Tyler nodded. "I'll be okay", he said. "I'll be back as soon as I can", Lucas said and Tyler nodded again.

Shortly after, Tyler heard Lucas leave the apartment. He enjoyed the bath; it woke him up more, and it smelled nice. Lucas had put some soap in the water, which Tyler enjoyed. He tried to breathe steadily, trying to take it slow that morning.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now