⭒ CLXX ⭒ 🎄

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Take two: It's tiiiiiimeeeee! (Again, Mariah Carey voice)


Happy holidays! As pretty much all of you except for a few voted for a new chapter today, here it is! My Christmas present to you ♥️ (or holiday present if you don't celebrate Christmas!)

Thank you for being here, thank you for your enthusiasm on last chapter, just thank you for everything ♥️ this is a very special chapter to me and I feel like you're gonna love it.

Please enjoy, it's a super long one!!

I'll be back next week with a new chapter. Happy holidays 🎄♥️🥰

Word count: 6451


When the show was over and Tyler left the stage, he and his two soulmates were still emotional messes as they hugged each other tightly and they kissed each other's cheeks. "I can't believe you walked on stage", Tyler said to Lucas. "I can't believe I did that either", Lucas blushed. "Wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for you and because of this guy", he smiled as he gave Steve a slight shove. "I adore you two so fucking much", Lucas smiled.

"Ty..." Steve then said, and Tyler looked up. Steve nodded at something behind Tyler, and as he turned around he saw David. "Oh", Tyler said softly. "Good luck", Steve told him quietly, gently squeezing his hand. "We're right here", Lucas said, and Tyler nodded as he stepped away from them, walking up to his boyfriend.

"Hey", Tyler said. "Ty...", David replied. "Uhm... I'm sorry", Tyler said. "For... for doing this like this. I... struggle with words, when I have to speak them", he said. "Singing and writing songs is easier... I wrote these songs not because I was going to end our relationship but they were just frustrations that I put on paper, but now... Well, I just- I realized what they meant and uhm... yeah", Tyler said. "I... can't do this, not anymore. I'm... I'm done", he said. "I can't take the comments anymore, I can't take the fact that you don't want to try and meet and like my family, or that you try to isolate me from my soulmates and my best friends, my crew... I just can't do it anymore", he shrugged softly.

He stepped closer to David, grabbing the access all areas pass, and he took it off his neck. "Bye David", he said, then he stepped away.

"Let's go", Michael was there, ready to show David the door. "No wait, wait wait", David said, and for the first time, Tyler saw his eyes watery. "Wait! Please don't, give me another chance, please" he pleaded, as Michael grabbed his arm tightly. "Either you leave willingly or we'll kick you out", Michael warned him.

"Wait, Mike, back off", Tyler said. Michael gave him a look, but he listened as he let go and he stepped back. Tyler walked towards David and he rested his hands on the sides of his face as he spoke to him.

"Look, I loved you so much", Tyler said. "I did, I adored you. And I really truly tried to continue doing that but I can't, not anymore; I still love you right now but not the way I used to. I don't love you like that anymore", Tyler said. "Seeing you today, how you avoided meeting my family a few days ago and how my family is so excited to see my best friends but you don't even wanna try to get to know them; how my crew is so happy when Steve and Lucas attend a show but they all kind of shrug or don't even say anything when you're there. How happy I was when they arrived but when you did, I didn't feel that same feeling; instead I felt anxious and on edge. You're not my lover anymore. I gave you another chance to change, but you didn't take it, you didn't want to. I got no more chances left to give because I do not have enough love left for you anymore. You messed that up, I'm really sorry", Tyler said.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now