⭒ XVII ⭒

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Hi guys! We're back! I'm back from holiday but still got a few things going on - yesterday I saw Queen and Adam Lambert play live and it was amazing 🥹 and today I'm going to see twenty one pilots again! It'll be my 15th time seeing them 🥰

Anyways! Wanted to update before I go there. I had a really fun holiday and I've loved reading all of your comments and seeing all of your votes on the chapters. They make me so happy and make writing so worthwhile!

I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! We're on chapter 17 already. Can't wait to hear what you guys think of this one! And please, don't forget to leave that vote while you're here! Helps me out so much and means even more to me! ⭐️♥️

Hope you'll have a great day and you'll enjoy this chapter! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it so let's dive in and enjoy! It's a long one. Love you ♥️

Word count: 6063



Dear Tyler,

Hi! I don't really know how to start writing this letter. But uh, hi, I'm Josh! Josh Dun. You might not know me or remember me, but I've been to several of your shows since my best friend Jenna introduced me to your music and dragged me to one of your concerts, and we met a few times as well. Usually you don't really remember my name (or me) until you hear our names Jenna and Josh together, so maybe you might remember a little bit, but it's okay if you don't. You meet so many people every day; I would never be able to keep up with everyone.

It's been a few weeks since everyone saw you faint on stage. I don't wanna be annoying and ask about it or talk about it in this letter, but I just want you to know that I hope that you're doing okay, and that you're getting all the rest that you need and really deserve. You've been touring a lot, and you even announced new tour dates, a Columbus tour, and a European tour yesterday. Well, your record label announced it, because I think you're still resting or recovering.

Anyways, that said, I'm actually not sure what I should write now. Lately I've been feeling a bit... Suffocated, I think. I've felt sad for a long time now, but lately it's worse. My friend and my boyfriend really try to help me, and so does my momma, but for some reason it just... It doesn't get better, really.

A few months ago, we met after a show, and you told me about the antidepressants you take every day. You said that it really helped you, and you said that if I wanted to try and see if medicine would help me as well, then I should go to my doctor and tell them about it and talk to them. But the truth is that I don't really have the guts to do that. It makes me really nervous, and quite scared, too. The other thing is that my parents own a family business, which my siblings and I work at (not all of them, some are too young) and some months are better than others, but sometimes, it can be quite challenging and sometimes we struggle a bit money-wise. So the issue is that I don't want my parents to have to pay for therapy, or doctor's appointments, or these medicines. I just don't want to bother them with that. And I don't have enough money to pay it myself because I'm not even 18 and still in school. Plus, when I'm done with high school, my parents want me to go to college.

Don't get me wrong; I want to go to college too. I'm just scared that it will be too expensive but they tell me not to worry, and that they'll figure it out. I figured that I could just start working at the family business full time but they want me to go to college first, and then I can come back to work at the family business full time. So I am going to do that; I'm going to college. I'm not going to the doctor.

It's been hard, talking about my mind and feelings to people close to me. They're too close to me; obviously they're instantly worried, which I would be, too. Momma tries to listen as best as she can but I can see the tears in her eyes. My best friend... I want to tell her but she's going to college in a few months and she won't be close anymore so I don't want her to worry more than she already does. My boyfriend is there for me, always, and he supports me and I can talk to him. But I can see the hurt in his eyes too, when I tell him, and he responds immediately. Which is obvious, because he's right there; it would be weird if he wouldn't respond. But sometimes I just wish I could talk to someone without having them reply right away, or cry in front of me, or see how much I hurt them.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now